Chapter 10

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Being in Mathis's arms after Gabe not believing the statement about Marco I feel like I can trust him with anything and everything. I can feel the tears coming down my face and landing on Mathis's shirt. I can't believe I'm crying over my brother not believing me. I pull back slightly and wipe the tears off my face. My brothers believing me and in me is so important to me. First Gabe sets me up with Kelly the slut and she finds houses that won't suit us, then he doesn't fucking believe me. When I turn around to see if Gabe is still in the room and he is. But he's on the phone, suddenly his face goes white. I'm guessing the person on the other end of the call is Marco. I hope Marco is yelling at him for doubting me.

Kelly comes back into the room and Gabe holds up one finger, asking her to give him a minute. I look over at Kelly and notice she is still gazing and checking Mathis out. I've had enough of this and her. Pulling out myself out of Mathis's arms I stalk straight over to Kelly. When I get close enough I grabbed her arm and twisted it as far back as it would go until I heard a 'snap', she clutched her arm is pain. Stupid slut should've listened to me. I've had enough dealing with these sluts, I'm a possessive bitch. Started being possessive the longer I was around Marco, so I guess he's to blame about me being possessive.

Looking over my shoulder at Gabe and Mathis. Gabe was glaring at me while Mathis was smirking at me. Rolling my eyes at Gabe I marched out of the master bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door slamming it behind me. This house hunting is not going very well at all. I'm afraid we won't find a house in time, and I wasn't kidding when I said I won't sleep in the same house with a man who tried to kill me only nights ago. I know I shouldn't be afraid but I can't help it. Being shot at or having a whip slash against your back is nothing compared to having your own father strangle you. Leaning against my car with my head down trying to stop the tears but it was no use when someone wrapped their arms around me.

Examining the tattoos on the arms that are wrapped tightly around me. Mathis. Mathis came running after me while Gabriel probably stayed inside comforting Kelly. That thought made me cry even more. I can't believe my own brother who I've known my entire life didn't even bother to come check up on me, while my new husband who I hardly know anything to nothing about, did. I guess that shows me who cares about me.

"Don't cry babygirl. We'll figure this out. Maybe we can even get another realtor who won't show us places that don't meet our needs. Your brother was wrong to yell at you." Mathis said trying to comfort me.

I don't know whether or not his words were helping me at all. But then the front door opened. I didn't even want to talk to my brother. I tried to open the driver's side door and leave but someone wouldn't let me. And that someone was Mathis, but when I looked up at him to give my meanest look I saw he was looking, no looking wasn't the right word, he was glaring at Gabe. Doesn't surprise me at all. In the past day and a half Mathis seemed to want to protect me and do anything for me even though we just met and married. Not knowing a thing about Mathis is a little scary, but I just couldn't stay away. From the moment I first met him that night in the club I knew that he wouldn't let anything come between us. In fact that night we met I had told him I was leaving the club I couldn't even get the words out before he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the club and to the chapel.

Mathis tightened his arms around me before taking my keys and pulling me to the passenger side door. After I was seated in the car he hurried to get to the driver's side before Gabriel could. Mathis effectively locked him out, making him drive with Kelly. Good if he cared more about her more than me then he should ride with her. Or better yet drive her seeing as I might've broken her arm. I was brought out of my thoughts about Kelly and Gabriel when my phone started to ring. The ringtone belonged to none other than Marco.

"Hello Marco." I instantly said.

"Aria what is going on? Gabe called me wanting to know if it was true that I was buying you a new house." Marco demanded.

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