Chapter 15

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"I'm sorry I think I got wax in my ears because I think I just heard you say that you're Blade's daughter Aria." Mathis said rubbing his ears.

I laughed and took his hand away from his ear and kissed his knuckles. "Yes you heard right. Blade is my father."

"That's why your mother hates bikers so much. Because of him?" Mathis asked me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Yes because she still hasn't gotten over how he left. She didn't like it and soon that dislike turned to bitterness to hate. I thought her being with Alanzo had gotten her over it because he's outside the law as well but I was wrong." I pushed myself more into Mathis wanting his warmth and protection.

"What happened last night Aria." Mathis wondered.

"What about last night?" Killer chimed in.

"Aria's phone was going off last night. Woke both of us up, when I turned to pull Aria in my arms she wasn't back in bed so I went to look for her. I found her at the bar with her head in her hands, she held back the tears until I pulled her into my arms. She broke down last night." Mathis explained Wrapping his arms tighter around me and kissed the top of my head.

"My mother called me last night drunk. Basically what she demanded I do is divorce Mathis." I felt Mathis pull back a little when I said that. I took a breath and continued, "I told her I wouldn't and that he wasn't like Blade but she wouldn't have it. My mother basically disowned me."

"Aria if being with me is causing this much tension then I can let you go." Mathis said hesitantly.

"No Mathis I'm not giving you up and you aren't giving me up. They're just have to deal with it damn it." I told them.

Being with Mathis has made me feel something I never thought I could feel. Loved. I know that my family loves me but with Mathis I have this unconditional love like I can do no wrong to him and that he won't leave me if something happens that he doesn't like. My mother is another story, she worked so hard that she was hardly ever home. I never saw her and I never saw Gabriel either. Gabriel had just started with the gang and he was working hard to find security within the gang that he too left me alone. Mathis is never going to leave me alone, that I know with just how he's acted with the two days of us getting married. I'm never letting Mathis go, he doesn't know it but he's my rock.

"So what happened?" Killer asked.

"What do you mean 'what happened'?" I asked Killer back.

"What happen to make your mother hate bikers?" Mathis reiterated.

"Oh that well it happened when I was eleven. Mom and Blade's problem started when I was ten, they were just fighting then. But when I turned eleven everything changed. It was the day of my eleventh birthday and I was busy getting ready while occupying Blade's time so he didn't fight with mom you know. I couldn't choose which dress to wear because I had so many at the time. I wanted to look like a princess because I was daddy's princess, Blade was sitting on my little twin bed just laughing at my antics.

"Suddenly Blade got a call on his phone and his entire demeanor changed, he went from my loving father to the biker you all know now. When he was done with his call I was holding up the finally two dresses to wear to the party, he chose the red dress I was holding on my right. I was glad because I figured to club would be coming to my party as well and red was one of the club colors.

"Blade got down on his knees in front of me and said 'baby girl grandma and grandpa have new present at their house but they can't come, so I'm going to get it for them and I'll be back soon. So put on your pretty dress and I'll be back soon.'

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