Chapter 19-Mathis

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It's been three days since Ariabelle was taken, I can't get ahold of Marco nor Gabriel. What the hell are they doing that they can't pick up their damn phones and call me back. Ariabelle's phone was the only thing you could tell that the house was lived in. I haven't been back there since. Killer is going on a rampage and Blade is trying to figure out where to go to get the riddle to find Aria and the club? Well they don't know what to do they're like chickens with their head cut off. I look at Aria's phone and think; maybe they aren't answering their phone because I'm calling from Aria's phone and they've been trying to give her space. So I try calling from my phone.

"Yeah?" Gabriel answers.

"Gabriel it's Mathis, you're not with your mother are you?"

"No I'm with Marco what's up? Ariabelle's been blowing up our phones, do you know why?" He questions.

"That's what I need to talk to you and Marco about. It hasn't been Aria who's been calling. I was the one calling from her phone." I explain to him.

"Why would you be calling from Aria's phone wouldn't she be the one calling?"

"Gabriel that what I've been calling about. Ariabelle been kidnapped again. So please would you and Marco come by the compound. We need your help, we don't know where to look." I practically beg.

"Yeah don't worry we're on our way and we won't tell my mom and Alanzo." Gabriel said then hung up.

Breathing a sigh of relief I collapse onto the couch in the common room, at the exact moment Killer and Blade comes out of the conference room with the VP who just got back from a private family situation. They see me on the couch and come right over. "You got something Grim?" Viper the VP asks.

"Yeah called Gabriel from my phone and explained to them what was going on. And they'll be right over and won't tell Estella or Alanzo."

"They say why they weren't picking up the phone when you called from Aria's cell?" Killer wondered.

"I think that after everything that's happened they were giving Aria some space. They knew she was calling but I guess they were torn whether to answer or not. That may have been why they were talking together when I called." I thought out loud.

They nodded and went back to what they were talking about, I know that I should probably be listening to whatever they're talking about being the sergeant in arms but I can't focus on anything but Aria. For some reason another memory pops into my head but this time it's of Aria and when she first heard the riddle. Her beautiful tan oval face with her bright brown eyes going dull. I'd pushed that memory back because at the time I didn't think it was important, but what if she knew where that riddle came from and who, but the main question would be why. Why send the riddle to Blade? Why start the riddles up when Aria arrived at the club? Why wouldn't Aria tell us anything? Dammit we need Marco and Gabe.

"What Grim?" Viper asked. I must have said dammit out loud.

"I was just thinking about the first riddle we got and when I told Aria." I told him.

"What about it?" Blade answered.

"It was her face and eyes when I finished repeating the riddle. It was like she had heard it before." I told him looking him straight in the eye.

"But how could that be the first time we heard the was that night. And there still the mystery of why the riddles started coming as soon as Aria was here." Killer explained.

Viper made a small coughing noise and we gave him our attention. "From what I've been told about Ariabelle is that she's good at hiding what she's feeling...maybe not when it comes to Blade but overall she's been taught to hide her emotion. I mean for god sake she's a mafia princess they would've taught her not to show her emotion. So she might have known about the riddles but not the riddles Blade got. She might have gotten the same but different riddles. And about when the riddles started when she came, it's about quite simple. The riddler was watching the club and recognized Ariabelle from somewhere."

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