21 - The clown doll

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There was a little girl who loved dolls.

She had a collection of 50 dolls in her house.

She even talked to dolls but they never replied back.

It was the day before her birthday, and she asked her mommy to give her another doll as a gift for her birthday.

So that day, they went to a doll shop and she saw many dolls.

But one doll caught her attention.

It was a clown doll. It's nose was red and hair were curly.

She just loved the doll the moment she saw it.

So she asked her mom to buy her that doll but her mom did not like that doll very much.

She didn't like the curly hair. She thought the doll was creepy.

So she asked her daughter to buy another doll.

But her daughter seemed to like that doll very much and she wanted only that doll.

Finally just for her daughter, she had to buy the doll.

Something about the doll's eyes seemed to look scary.

When they went to the cashier, he hesitated while packing the doll and at last he said "Be careful with this doll"

But they both didn't pay much attention on his words.

That night the girl wanted the doll to sleep with her.

So she put the doll next to her and talked to her.

But this time the doll replied.

When she asked "how are you?" The doll answered "I am good"

The girl was not creeped out because she always wanted this. She always wanted a doll to reply her back whenever she talked to the doll.
Other dolls did not. But this one did, and she was happy.

Then the girl soon fell asleep.

Next morning, the girl went downstairs but she did not find her mother.

Then the doll came forward by itself and said "Your mother hates me so I killed her because whoever hates me, I kill them but I know you love me so let's stay together forever"!


Hey guys! I am back♡ the reason why I did not update was I had my exams and my mom, my mom took my phone away :/

So I'm sorry

Anyways, bye bye ♡♡♡♡

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