58 - okiku doll

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This is a Japanese urban legend.

It is a doll who is claimed to be possessed by the spirit of a little girl.

The okiku doll is a small, kimono - clad doll.

An eleven year old boy once bought this doll from market for his little sister.

Her name was okiku and she loved dolls.

Unfortunately, Okiku died of cold that year.

So the family kept this doll in the shelf in the memory of their daughter.

After some days, they noticed that the doll's hair started to grow.

Her name was okiku and the doll was named after the girl.

People say that this doll is possessed by the spirit of the girl okiku.

The doll's hair keeps on growing and growing whenever they are cut.

The hair grow till this day .

A scientific examination had been conducted and it was concluded that they are the hair of a young girl.

Nobody has ever been able to explain the reason for Okiku doll's unnatural hair growth.

This doll has been kept in a temple in Japan.

Look at the picture!

Look at the freaking picture oh my God

This is frightening .

How can a doll's hair grow?

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