53 - baby blue

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This legend is a strange game which includes an invisible baby in your arms.

It is somehow related to the legend 'bloody mary'.

To play this game, you need to go to the bathroom on your own, lock the door and turn off the lights.

You should stare into the mirror and hold out your arms like you are rocking a baby
and repeat the words:

"Baby blue, blue baby" 13 times without making any mistake.

If you do it right, you will suddenly feel the weight of an invisible baby in your arms.

You feel it scratching your arms and get heavier and heavier.

Before it gets too heavy, you need to quickly take the baby, flush it down the toilet and run out of the bathroom.

If you don't do it fast enough, you will see a hideous woman in the mirror yeĺling "give my baby back!"

She yells loud enough to break the glass .

If you are still holding the baby, she will kill you.

Some people believe the woman is bloody Mary and she murdered her own child by stabbing him to death by a piece of glass from the mirror she shattered.

According to the legend, some girls did not believe it and thought it would be cool to try it out.

So that sent a girl calles Laura to the bathroom.

She locked the door, turned off the lights and began to chant "baby blue, blue baby"

All of a sudden, she felt the weight of a baby in her arms scratching them.

She was terrified and had no idea what to do to save herself.

She just stood there holding the invisible baby as it got heavier.

Then, she caught the sight of someone horrible in the mirror and let out a scream.

When Laura's friends heard the screaming, they quickly came for help.

They tried to open the door but it was locked.

Finally, they want to a friend's house and manged to brake the bathroom door.

They found Laura dead in her own pool of blood. Her eyes were scratched out and her body was in a really bad condition.

Something large and invisible was pinning her to the ground.

Baby blue.

This is so freaking scary! I am never gonna th it out.

I am afraid that I won't flush the baby on time and die . Plus, flushing a baby is so horrible.

There are many YouTube videos related to baby blue so go check them out.

Thankyou for reading☺
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Xoxo nancy

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