59 - the artist

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I was reading the newspaper this morning and found out there is an amazing artist coming to our town.

If I meet him, maybe I can make him draw me.

While I was coming back from school, I saw some girls with potraits in their hands crying.

He must be a really talented artist!

I saw a man after sometime with paintbrushes, pencils, sketches ,and some potraits.

I decided that I wanted a myself to be drawn so I went to him.

I asked him to draw me. He said it will cost 10 dollars and I agreed.

While starting , he said "i may draw too far". I asked him what he meant by that but he just brushed it off and started with the potrait.

He finished 20 minutes later. I told him to show me and he gave me the potrait.

I saw the potrait and I trembled with fear. I dropped the potrait because I was too scared.

The picture drawn was me with my guts out and eyes rolled out. My body was in a really bad condition and it looked like i had been in a car accident. The sight was disturbing.

He said " sorry! I already told you that sometimes , I draw too far. "
What does he mean by that?

"What did you mean when you said you can draw too far?"

"I can draw the future. And unfortunately, this has turned out to be your future "

What the actual hell?

I walked away with fear without giving him any money.

What if my future is actually me dying in a car accident?

When I was crossing the road, I didn't notice it was red light for me.

So I walked and a car suddenly came in my way and hit me.

Everthing was over forever.

That artist could really draw future .


This story is actually written by Toxic_Nova and he deseves the credits 💜❤

Xoxo Nancy 💟

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