54 - free WI-FI

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My name is misha and I am 16 years old. I live in Russia.

My father does not make much money and my family isn't very wealthy so there are a lot of things we can't afford.

One of them is internet.

One day, my friend in school told me that there is a service called 'free wifi' that gives you free access to the internet.

And then you could browse the internet how much ever you want and not pay a thing. It sounded unreal.

That evening I got home and decided to try this out.

I took the laptop that my sister and I share and searched for a network called 'free wifi'

The connection was excellent so I connected it.

A few seconds later, a message in red letters popped up on my screen.

It was written -

welcome to free wifi. We don't require any payment or registration. All we do is get some basic information about our visitors. Please answer the following question:

'What mode of transportation do you use often?'

There were 4 pictures which were a bus, a boat, a train or a plane.

I usually cycled to school as we don't own any car.

Without thinking, I clicked the train button. Nothing big would happen if I chose a lie right?

After that, I could get free access to internet. What more could i want?

I now had Facebook, Twitter, instagram and Snapchat to keep in touch with all my friends.

The next day, when I was watching tv, the show was interrupted by a sudden news alert.

The news reporter said that a train has just been derailed while it was crossing the bridge.

Many carriages had fallen in the river below and almost all the people died.

The videos and pictures were terrible. Wait! I just realized something.

I had chosen the train button yesterday. It was just a coincidence

If I had chosen plane, would a plane crash today? That's not possible.

That evening I again went and connected to free wifi.

This time , there was a different question.

'What type of house do you live in?'

There were pictures of a bunglow, a two-storey house, a three-storey house or an apartment.

I live in a bunglow. A small one.

I was about to click bunglow but i didnt. I kept the mouse on that pic but did not click it. What if my house...?

I am so stupid. What was i thinking? That was just a coincidence.

Just to be safe, I clicked on apartment building.

Next day, ofcourse the apartment building near my school had burned.

It was afternoon time so most of the people weren't home thankfully. The police suspected arson.

I was worried. It started to seem more than just a coincidence.

It sounds crazy, but I think free wifi is doing this somehow.

So I decided to leave it alone.

But that night, I was continuously doubting myself.

I must be paranoid. How can a free wifi connection cause deaths of over 100 people.

I couldn't take it anymore so I took out the laptop.

I clicked on the connection and this time there was another question again.

But looking at the pictures, I let out a gasp of horror.

The question was -

Who is your favorite family member?

The pictures were of my mother, father, sister and me!


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