Chapter four: bro time

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I couldn't believe I was at a football game. I had told myself a long time ago that I wouldn't be caught dead at another Roosevelt High football game, but here I was sitting next to Dylan. He was a dedicated boyfriend. I mean he hadn't missed any of Brad's games. Brad made it his point to mention that whenever he invited me. I know when he finds out that I actually came to a game he would give me hell. I could hear him now – You come to support Sam, but you never come to support me. Brad got jealous easily.

I leaned back in the bleacher as Dylan kept his eye on the game. He didn't look away not once. He kept his eyes on Brad the entire time. I watched bits and pieces, glancing over every so often at Dylan as he cheered Brad on. There was never a moment where I didn't imagine how my life would be had I asked out Dylan before Brad. When I first joined the soccer team, Dylan was the first person to talk to me. I was one of the worst players that the team had ever seen. Dylan had practiced with me every weekend to help me improve my game. That's when I started crushing on Dylan hard. But I was with Troy so I never tried anything, and neither did he.

Brad started coming along to my extra practices, and naturally, he charmed his way into Dylan's heart. But I guess it was my fault. I should have told Brad that I had been interested in Dylan. But as soon as I saw them getting closer, I guess I just let it happen. I mean Brad was my best friend, how could I ruin that for him.

After two hours of complete and utter football torture, Dylan and I waited outside the men's locker room for Brad to come out. Of course since the team had won, he was on cloud nine. He came out of the locker room, with a grin on his face, slapping high fives with all of his guys.

"Party tonight, my place," Chip shouted. "Drinks will be flowing, and girls will be topless. If you're into guys, then Brad will be there for your pleasure. Just get five drinks in him and he'll do anything."

"Fuck yourself, Chip," Brad snorted giving him the finger as his eyes flickered over towards Dylan and I. He shook his head as soon as he saw me.

"Good game," Dylan grinned. "You were awesome."

"Thanks babe," Brad said stopping Dylan from touching him. "I'm sweaty. I haven't showered yet. Wait a minute? Is this real life? Is Nick Kelly at a football game? I can't believe it."

"Dylan forced me," I retorted as I glanced past Brad just as Sam walked by. He didn't even look at me. I couldn't tell if it was purposeful or if he just hadn't noticed me standing off to the side.

"So party at Chips, huh?" Dylan mentioned. Brad nodded.

"Yeah just the guys being stupid and drinking until they pass out," Brad scoffed. "I'm probably not going to go. I'd rather spend time with my favorite soccer player. Oh Nicholas."

"Fuck off," I huffed as Brad wrapped his arm around my shoulder, kissing me on the cheek. "Dude, you stink."

"That's my man smell," Brad teased as he pulled me towards the parking lot. "Oh look there's Sam! Sammy, baby! Come here!"

"Whatever you're about to do, don't," I rasped as Brad squeezed his arm tighter around my neck. Dylan shook his head, rolling his eyes, as Sam walked over to us. He was just as sweaty as Brad.

"What are you doing tonight, Sam?" Brad asked as I awkwardly stood there. Sam bit his lower lip, shrugging.

"I don't know," he sighed. "I'm probably going to Chip's party. Why?"

"Great!" Brad smirked. "You know what? Would you mind bringing Nick home for me? With all of my football gear and shit, there's no room in my car."

The fucking bastard. There was room in his car. He was setting me up. Didn't he know Sam was pissed at me? It was obvious. He hadn't said two words to me the whole time I was standing here.

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