chapter fifteen: brad and nick's awesome first date

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The entire week I was freaking out over this date with Brad. It was all I could think about. Brad and I going out on an actual date – Just the thought sent a chill down my spine. How was I supposed to act? Would Brad be – my bro, Brad or would he be, "I want to get in your pants" Brad? Fuck – I didn't even know what to wear. Brad didn't say what we were doing, so I just threw a shirt on and a pair of jeans. I mean it was just Brad. Thankfully so, my mom wouldn't suspect a thing when she saw me leaving Friday night. She would probably just think it was a normal hang out between two friends.

That night, as soon as Brad texted me that he was outside, I felt my stomach twist. I was nervous as fuck, and I had no reason to be. I mean it was just Brad and I hanging out. That's what I needed to keep telling myself. It would be normal.

I took a deep breath as I walked outside casually sliding into the passenger side of Brad's car. He glanced over at me, a stupid grin on his face.

"You look hot," Brad complimented. "For someone who didn't want to go out with me."

"Where are we going, Brad?" I sighed folding my arms across my chest.

"It's a surprise," Brad chuckled. "I'm trying this new thing out where I actually try to be romantic. So let me know how it works out."

I sucked my teeth. "As of right now, you're still being a cocky bastard."

Brad laughed. "And that's how you like me, Nick. So sit back and relax."

Brad, be romantic? This was definitely new. I mean sure Brad was sweet and kind towards Dylan. But he always joked that it was because he wanted to continue getting laid. That somehow was at the forefront of my mind now that he was taking me out on a romantic date. Was Brad doing all of this so I could sleep with him again? Or did he actually genuinely care about me?

I glanced back over at Brad's smug face. Knowing him it was probably a combination of both. He was probably planning this all out in his head, how he would seduce me, and bring me back to his place, and of course, he would expect me to bottom again. Just because I did it once, I'd have to do it again. I leaned back in the seat as Brad drove for what felt like an hour. He refused to hint at where we going too. But I had to admit, the whole mystery was kind of adorable.

However, I nearly died when Brad pulled into the parking lot of the observatory. Brad had picked an observatory as our first date. I don't even think he took Dylan to the state observatory. He was really pulling out the big guns here. He had clearly thought this out.

"Are you serious right now?" I chuckled, as Brad pulled me into a parking space. "The observatory?"

"Oh I'm dead serious," Brad replied . "Now get your ass out of the car, and come star gaze with me."

He was fucking serious. I mean I knew Brad had a thing for astronomy as a kid, but I didn't know he was still into planets and stuff. I used to make fun of him for it. But it appeared he never grew out of his love for it. Who knew the big brute still liked to look at the stars? Here I was thinking that Brad only used that telescope in his room to peep on the neighbors. No wonder he was so insistent on me being on time.

I followed Brad around the observatory, peeping into telescopes and looking up at the stars. I will say that it was super fucking cheesy, but it was romantic, I guess. Ok, so it was so completely fucking romantic. Usually I wasn't about all this touchy, feely stuff, but Brad was, and it was kind of hot actually. He was a complete lovey dovey sap. Who would have ever guessed?

The weirdest part about this whole date was how touchy Brad was. He didn't hesitate to hold my hand or wrap his arm around my shoulder. It was the whole boyfriend package, and I'm not sure how I felt about that yet. 

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