chapter twelve: big losses

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I didn't have to ask Brad to figure out who he was spending time with. Everyone in the school had been talking about it. Georgina Erikson and Brad had been spending a lot of time together. They were going out, but they weren't officially anything. Brad didn't want to jump into any relationships. I was slightly upset that Brad didn't bother mentioning to me that he was seeing Georgina, but I was happy that he was happy. Hopefully him seeing Georgina would help him get over his so called feelings for me. If he still was you know interested in me, which he probably wasn't.

I mean Brad was practically a slave now to Georgina. If the girl said jump, he'd quickly ask how high and from where? The guy was whipped. For someone who was talking about how he'd never chose Barbie over Ken, he was sure all over Barbie. Brad hadn't even been over in I can't even remember how long. He was over at her house after school almost every day. He claimed they were just studying. Hell, Sam and I didn't even spend that much time together.

"She's kidnapped my best friend," I complained to Sam. "He and I only see each other in class now. She's got her claws in him, and they aren't officially boyfriend/girlfriend."

Sam chuckled. "Nick. It's okay. He's in love."

I sucked my teeth. "Yeah. Okay. He was in love with me like three weeks ago."

Sam glanced at me in confusion. Fuck. Had I just said that out loud? Damn. I did not mean to say that.

"Explain," Sam said his eyes locked on mine. "When did this happen?"

"It was after he broke up with Dylan," I shrugged. "He was just upset about that. He probably didn't even mean it. But he said something about him having feelings for me, but it's Brad."

Sam shook his head. "When were you going to tell me this?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal, Sam."

Sam scoffed. "No big deal. You're best friend told you he had feelings for you, and you think that's no big deal. Nick, are you fucking kidding me? Has he been coming on to you?"

"No," I retorted quickly. "Don't tell me your mad about this."

Sam stood up from my couch, running his fingers through his hair. "I am pissed, Nick. What else are you keeping from me? Huh? I can't believe you didn't tell me that Brad is practically in love with you. It's probably why he broke up with Dylan in the first place."

"It doesn't matter," I argued. "Sam, did I break up with you? Huh? No I didn't because I like you."

Sam sucked his teeth. "Do you like Brad?"

I shook my head. "I don't like him in that way."

Sam ran his fingers through his hair, glancing at his watch. "Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes in frustration. "No I'm not, asshole. Of course I'm sure. Gosh."

Sam grabbed his keys from off of my table. He was leaving. We were supposed to be going to the stupid play off party together, and he was leaving. That fucker.

"Sam," I huffed as he walked towards the door.

"Fuck off, Nick," Sam snorted slamming my front door shut behind him. I ran to the door, shouting a slew of swear words out at him as he hopped into his car and sped off. I had never been so pissed in my entire life. Sam had completely overreacted. I couldn't believe he was being such a little bitch about this. So what Brad had confessed he had feelings for me. That was my business. He didn't need to know that. I'm sure Brad didn't want people knowing about that either, especially Dylan. He was already a bitch to me enough as it is.

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