Chapter five: it ain't official until it's official

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"I'm horrified," I whispered to Brad as I glanced away from the screen. Our health teacher had decided to show us a film on childbirth. It was probably the most disturbing thing that I had ever seen in my entire life. How the hell did that kid fit through that tiny hole? The way women stretched. It was supposed to be natural, but it looked so unnatural.

"This is the first time you've ever seen a vagina huh," Brad commented, nudging me. "How does it feel?"

"I'm definitely gay," I replied as Brad and I started laughing. We were laughing pretty loudly until Mrs. Compton gave us the death stare. She clearly didn't find anything amusing about childbirth. If I was a woman, I wouldn't be amused either. Childbirth was a bloody mess. Babies were cute, but the entire birthing process almost had me regurgitating my lunch.

I was glad when the video went off. I think I had seen more than enough. I stretched my arms out as soon as the lights flicked back on. I pretty much tuned Mrs. Compton out as soon as I heard someone behind me talking about Sam. I didn't have to turn around to know who was talking. It was definitely Becca and Dana.

"Yeah you know the really hot blonde on the football team," Becca went on. "The one who ripped his shirt off at the party when he got really drunk."

Well this was getting interesting already. Sam had ripped his shirt off. I'm sure all of the cheerleaders loved that  sight. The guy had abs on abs on abs on abs. Glorious abs for days. Typical football player. They all love to show off. 

"Oh my god I do remember that," Dana replied. "He's super cute."

"Yeah, well he and I went in the hot tub right," Becca continued. "And I was you know giving it my best like you know me. He was being so shy and cute. It was freaking adorable. He has huge biceps. I was feeling them, and like I couldn't even wrap my hand around them."

So, Sam was having a little hot tub fun too. That's fucking nice. I bet he really enjoyed that. I'm sure you did put on all your moves, Becca. That's what you do. It's what all the cheerleaders do. 

"Did you get his number?" Dana asked. Good question, Dana. Inquiring minds would love to know.

"No," Becca sighed. "He said he was seeing someone, but I told him if that didn't work out then I'd be available."

Dana laughed. "You're so bad, Becca."

"What? It's not like I made out with him," Becca snorted. "I'm not a slut, you know."

I was glad the bell rang. I could not stand to hear Becca and Dana go on about Sam. If I had to hear Becca's high-pitched voice anymore, I'd stab my eyes out. No wonder Sam didn't call me this weekend. He was too busy scamming on all the cheerleaders.

"I'm not a slut you know," I mocked Becca as I explained what happened in health class to Dylan after school. Dylan couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow that was a spot on imitation of Becca," Dylan smirked. "And now you see why I don't let Brad go to those stupid cheerleader parties. Those girls are nasty, and all they do is cause trouble."

"Tell me about it," I retorted. "But I can't help but feel it's my fault. I mean I'm the one who told Sam that I didn't want to be his official boyfriend. But now I feel like I need to lay my claim, you know what I mean."

Dylan nodded. "Yeah that or you can just fuck him."

I looked at Dylan unable to believe that he had just said that. I have never heard anything like that come out of Dylan's mouth ever before. He clearly has been hanging around Brad and I too long.

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