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I sat with Dillion on top of our apartment's roof as we watched the sunset together.

I looked at him from the sides of my eyes, observing the way his eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled with content. His stormy gray eyes watched the sky, the smile never leaving his face.

I was a hurricane, and Dillion was the rescue teams. I was a mess of a person before him.

But do you love him?

Nate's words rang through my head, over and over again. Slowly swallowing me whole.

But do you love him?

I mean, maybe. I maybe loved him? He doesn't pressure me into things I don't want to do and he's always kind.

Dillion was someone everybody wanted to be friends with but, I just couldn't get myself to say the words "I love him."

Nate was more than a hurricane, Nate was the aftermath after the hurricane. He was your last gasping breath, pleading for life and forgiveness.

Nate was more than most people saw.

My phone buzzed and both Dillion and I looked down.

"Why is Nate texting you?" Dillion frowned at me.

I shrugged, "I don't know Dil."

But, I do know. I forgave Nate for what he did to me. I forgave him for all the heartbreak he caused me.

"I should reply." I sighed softly, grabbing my phone.

My breath hitched as I read the text over and over again.

to: nate
are u like drunk or high? what do u want from me?

I sent the text only feeling a little bad as it sounded a bit rude. I sat back down next to Dillion as I reached back to intertwine our fingers.

He laughed as he played with my fingers.

"What did he say?" Dillion asked a few minutes later, breaking the comfortable silence.

"He told me we should talk."

Dillion nodded slightly as he bit his lip. I knew what Dillion knew and Dillion didn't like him.

Dillon didn't like Nate.

I sighed, "it's okay, I promise."

"You promise a lot of things, Sam. I'm just scared to have him around you. Who knows when his temper will snap next and hurt you?"

I bit my lip as I looked at my phone. He was much as I hated to admit it, Dillion had a good and valid point.

Nate's temper was extremely short and he lost it often. What if he lost it on me and hurt me? I don't think I could ever look at him the same.

"I know." I whispered into the warm LA night's sticky air.

This air held so many secrets from people who were too afraid to admit it to others. People talk to themselves but not only themselves, the air.

The air knew everyone's thoughts and secrets, it gathered them up over the City of Angels and kept everyone's secrets hostage.

Of course I didn't think of this crazy idea, it was Nate's idea.

"I'm not going to control you." His voice brought me back to reality. "I won't control who you talk to. You are your own person. I don't own you in any way, shape, or form. I trust you."

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