Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Doctor Jocelyne.

Well, well, surprise, surprise, Seth thought, as he let the moist warmth do its work. When he'd seen her with Frank, he'd known with every fibre of his being that she was a medical professional. Paramedic, nurse, doctor...she was one of those. She hadn't make so much as a murmur when he'd called her 'Nurse Jocelyne' but she had damn nearly passed out when he'd called her 'Doc'.

So what did it all mean? Why was a doctor from Québec hiding out in a small town in British Columbia? She would need to apply to get a licence to practice medicine in BC, of course, but he would bet his last dime she hadn't done that. That look on her face, it had been...fear. Not of him per se, he was sure of that. She'd been quite willing to strip him right then and there, so she didn't fear him as a man. Plus, he was weaker than a newborn kitten. No, she was afraid of him as a cop. So what should he do? Reassure her? Calm her? Let her know he wasn't going to hurt her?

Except he couldn't do that. If she was a criminal, then he would have to turn her in. Yet what kind of criminal was she? It took all kinds, he knew, and even doctors committed crimes. Malpractice? Fraud? Tax Evasion? Murder?

Some combination of the above?

It was all conjecture and Seth hated that. He wanted facts. He relied on facts.

The water was cooling, so he decided to quickly wash his hair and then get out. Easier said than done, he quickly realized. Damn, who knew just how many things required two hands? Still, he managed to get out of the tub and do a respectable job of drying off. He contemplated walking out to his room naked, but figured that would be a bit much. Instead, he struggled to get back into his jeans. Propriety sucked, but that was an end to it. He was going commando and the snap wasn't done up, but at least he wasn't swinging in the wind. He might as well just sleep in his jeans, uncomfortable as that may be.

When he opened the door, he sucked in a breath as the cold air hit his still-moist chest. Night had fallen while he'd been lazing about and he still had to take care of the dogs.

Yet even as he came out, he saw them curled up on the rug together.

"Here, give me the sling." Jocelyne was there, holding out her hands.

"I'm not going to sleep in it," he grumbled.

"Actually, you are. I've also created a pillow that will help immobilize the arm while you sleep."

He gave her the once-over. "You've been busy, Doc."

"Don't call me that," she said sharply. "Now the dogs had been out and I've fed them. Is there anything else I need to do for them?"

Seth shook his head.

"Okay, well I've set the alarm on the clock upstairs. I'll call a cab in the morning."

He noticed she hadn't actually looked at him, so he reached down to her chin, taking it between his index and his thumb. Then he tipped it up so she was facing him. "You show me your driver's licence and I'll let you take the truck tomorrow."

Indecision warred on her face. She wouldn't be a good poker player, but usually she could hold her own. Tonight, however, it seemed her defences were down.

"If I don't take the truck, you're just going to come into town, aren't you?"

"You'll find out, won't you?"

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