Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Two days later, Jocelyne found herself being escorted by two members of the illustrious Sureté de Québec came to escort her home. They were booked on a commercial flight, which boggled her mind, but the government wasn't going to spring for a private flight and Jocelyne was too embarrassed to ask her father to furnish one.

So she sat in the departures area of the Vancouver airport, waiting and dreading at the same time. She was still mulling over Colton's words when she blinked. No, she wasn't seeing things. Colton was striding over to her. She tried to rise and had two very strong arms push her back in the chair. One of the Sureté spotted Colton and rose, holding out a hand. The RCMP officer flicked open his credentials which were scrutinized carefully.

"Give me five minutes with her?"

The burlier of the two officers nodded and both men stepped away. All of two feet away. So much for privacy, Jocelyne thought uncharitably as Colton sat next to her. He opened his phone and scrolled to a picture, holding it for her to see.

Jocelyne gasped and her fingers flew to her lips. "So tiny," she whispered.

"And so perfect," he added. "Well, actually he was born addicted to Oxy, but the doctors tell me they can treat that."

She nodded as he scrolled to the next photo. Ten little fingers and ten little toes.

"I spoke to his doctor and he told me you saved the baby's life. Given the time it would have taken to get him to the hospital, he probably would have died." He pocketed his phone. "And the guard has been put on administrative leave until there's a hearing. Despite your current situation, your report will carry a lot of weight. You didn't have to do that."

Jocelyne snorted. "I wrote it on toilet paper."

Colton shrugged, "still, you got it to your legal aid attorney."

"I'm sorry I had to go to legal aid, but I don't actually have any money. It was all for show anyway because he knew I wasn't going to fight extradition. He's a good man, though."

"Nick Clarke? Well, he's a lawyer."

High praise, coming from Colton.

Tentatively, Jocelyne placed her cuffed hands on Colton's arm. The jangling of metal got her a nasty look from one of the other cops, but then he looked away.

"Thank you for bringing those photos. You'll never know what it meant to me."

He looked at her thoughtfully. "I didn't tell him, but I think you should."

Involuntarily, her hands tightened on his arm. "I'm not strong enough to do that. I'm going to do the plea bargain and do my time. Whatever happens after that is up to the fates."

"You mean like God?"

She shook her head. "No, I mean the fates. I think this was all predestined."

"I would call bull, but that kind of language might get me in trouble with the other guys." He did place his hand on hers. "He would wait if you asked."

"I know, he would which is why I can't. He needs to have a life and I'm his past, not his future."

"I think you two are two of the most stubborn and obstinate people I've ever met and you deserve each other, but no one's asking my opinion." He squeezed her hand. "You're also two very important people to me so I'll sit back and watch you both make a hash out of your lives while doing nothing but be supportive. I've had my say with the two of you and there's nothing more I can do."

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