Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It was after four when they pulled up the driveway of the cabin. Seth had never felt so emotionally wrought in his life and he'd been through a few horrible incidents including the death of one of his classmates from Depot. He just kept replaying the time between when Colton had told him the Eagans were dead and when Roxie had thrown herself into his arms. Five, maybe ten minutes at most, yet the longest minutes of his life.

In the end, it had been Jocelyne who had finally coaxed Nancy into bed. How Candy and Dougie had slept through the catastrophe, Seth would never know, but he was unbelievably grateful for that small mercy. He knew Blaine was planning to stay home from work for a day or two as would Nancy. There was a lot of healing that needed to take place. Seth wasn't even sure his niece really understood how close to death she had come. At one point, she had asked if she was going to get her cellphone back.

Everyone dealt with trauma differently.

Jocelyne and Colton had held things together.

Now, as he looked at her, he could see the exhaustion. Yet still, she unbuckled the belt and slid around to open his door. "I'm worried about you," she said. "You've been on your feet for hours."

"So have you," he pointed out as they walked to the cabin.

"Perhaps, but I'm used to it. I do that for a living."

"You were great tonight, Doc. I don't know what we would have done without you."

"You would have managed just fine," she said simply. "You did what families do best which is close ranks in a time of crisis." She opened the door. "I still think Colton doesn't like me."

Seth managed a chuckle. "Don't take it personally, Doc, Colton doesn't like anyone. Colton doesn't trust anyone except Dorrie."

"And you," she prompted, but he only shook his head.

"Just Dorrie. God help us all if Greg ever breaks up that team." He looked down at his dishevelled appearance, for the first time realizing that he was wearing his sweatpants with a hole in the knee and one of his oldest t-shirts.

"I'm going to crawl into bed and sleep until the next millennium."

"Actually, you're getting into the bath and don't even think about arguing with me." Seth watched as Jocelyne walked past him and headed right for the bathroom. He might have argued, but he knew she was right. He was in agony and he wasn't due for more pills for another few hours.

He could hear the bath running when Jocelyne walked past him and into the kitchen. He knew he should move, but he just couldn't find the energy. She returned with a pill and a glass of water.


"The doctor says it will be okay," she said. "Now take the pill and get into the bathroom. I need to take off the sling, t-shirt and tape. Then, when you're done, we have to start all over again. The sooner you move, the sooner you can see your sheets."

Wow, was she ever bossy.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" She looked confused.

"Tell me that you're not going to work in three hours."

She rolled her eyes. "I would be perfectly capable, but I'm not stupid. I left a message on the clinic phone telling them I wouldn't be in today." She grinned. "No, you're stuck with me nagging you." Then she took him by the arm and all but dragged him to the bathroom.

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