Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The wedding had taken place in Ray's backyard over the Thanksgiving weekend. Jocelyne wouldn't have thought it possible to organize a wedding in a week, but with Nancy, Beverly, Bettina, Irene and Chantale working at it, everything had come into place. More interesting than the bride and groom, the kids had stolen the show. As a collective, they had decided to jump into the pool wearing their Sunday best. Luckily, no one had drowned, but more than a few adults had been required to jump in as well.

So when they got back to the cabin, Seth was wearing a borrowed pair of shorts and t-shirt from Ray.

He unlocked the door then tried to scoop Jocelyne in his arms. One look from her and he gave up on that tradition. She had looked elegant in a gown of ivory sating which had clung to her every curve. Seth was quite sure he'd been the envy of every man in the place. What he had noticed was that his best man had kept eyeing the maid of honour.

Jocelyn, heedless of the dress, squatted on the floor for her greeting from the mutts.

"What's up with Colton and Chantale?"

She glanced up at him. "Chantale says it's harmless flirtation."

"I have my doubts. Colton doesn't do harmless flirtation. He's too serious for that."

Now she grinned. "Chantale won't let it go further than that. She's only in town for another week or so."

"Then why was she asking around about becoming a member of the Bar in British Columbia?"

Jocelyne teetered and he had to move fast to catch her. He helped her to her feet, but her brow was creased. "She never said anything."

"Probably because you were getting ready for a wedding," Seth pointed out. "I suspect she's going to sit down with you after the honeymoon." He wagged his eyebrows and she laughed.

The honeymoon consisted of the two of them locking themselves in the cabin for a week. Neither cared if everyone knew they were having sex, because that was what they were going to be doing.

"Tell me we can get the honeymoon underway."

Dusk had set in and the air was starting to cool.

"How about I get out of this outfit and you start a fire?"

His grin was quick and devastating. "Oh, Doc, I like how you think." Still, he watched as she walked off to the bathroom. Would he ever tire of just watching her? No, he thought, still amazed she was his. He would never utter that thought out loud, of course. She needed her independence and her freedom. In his heart though, he felt like he had found his mate. The craving, the love, it never ceased to amaze him. The Baldwin sisters had spent the past week in the in-law suite in Nancy's house so Seth had been resigned to only kisses since the night she had accepted his proposal. After a week of frustration, he was ready for more.

In the hopes of having a chilly evening, Seth had already laid out the kindling and firewood. One match, a few pokes from the poker, and the fire took hold. Now he moved around the cabin gathering every blanket, duvet, sheet and pillow to create a nest. It would just be the two of them.

Well, the two of them with the two mutts who had taken up residence on the couch. He wasn't sure he wanted to be watched on his wedding night, but there was nothing to be done about that. Mac and Charley were part of the family.

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