Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

On the drive over the bridge spanning the Fraser River, Seth tried to take stock of his physical state. His shoulder was hurting, but it wasn't unbearable. His ribs ached, but that wasn't going to change anytime soon. He wasn't tired, thanks to his nap. He pointed to the upcoming exit. "You get off here."

"I thought your house was that way," she said, pointing in the opposite direction.

"It is, but we have a stop to make."

"Okay, sure," she said, pulling smoothly into the exit lane. He knew the exact moment she saw the cinema because she stiffened. "No," she said simply.

"Look, I was a good boy. I had my nap, I did nothing physical. All day I've been looking forward to this, please don't take it away from me." Damn but he wasn't playing fair tonight.

She huffed out a sigh and pulled into a parking space, but didn't kill the engine. "I don't like being manipulated."

"Well then you're going to be really mad at me because I already bought the tickets. All I need to do it swipe my credit card and they'll pop out of the machine."

Her look turned wondrous. "You can do that?"

"When was the last time you went to see a movie?" Her face said it all, so he grabbed her right hand with his left. "So let's do this."

He knew the moment she relented because she squeezed his hand. Then she released it so she could turn off the engine. "But you'll take your painkillers." He had pocketed them before they'd left.

"Yes to the anti-inflammatory but no to the narcotics. I don't want to fall asleep in the middle of the movie."

Sensing this was an argument she was going to lose, Jocelyne simply shrugged. "You need to take it with food."

"So we'll get popcorn." A simple solution to a simple problem. Of course it was going to be awkward to carry two drinks and two bags of popcorn, so they would just have to share. When he snaked out his hand to take hers, she didn't stiffen quite as much. Maybe there might come a time when she accepted his gestures of affection naturally.


When had this become more than two people helping each other out? When he had kissed those tears from her cheeks last night, he realized. That had been the moment when things had shifted and he wondered if she had felt the same way.

A couple walking before them spotted Seth's arm and held the door for them. Seth gave a hearty thanks and then guided Jocelyne over to the ticket machine. As promised, a bit of work on his part and two tickets popped out. Next he guided her to the concession stand. "What will you have to drink?"

"Bottled water, if that's okay."

"Of course. Do you mind if we share popcorn? Or maybe there's something else that you would like?"

She looked less certain. "I'll have a couple of pieces of yours," she said simply.

"Great," he said. "And there's a deal where you get a bag of M&Ms."

She let out a derisive and unladylike snort.

"Hey, I'm a growing boy."

That brought out a laugh.

The Cop's DocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora