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Chapter 2


"Kiiro! Look out!" Greg yelled in gym class as a baseball went lying straight for my head. I caught the ball and threw it back with incredible force but not with accuracy. The ball flew right into the next field over.

"Hey, Kiiro!" Greg yelled at me.

"Seriously you can be so clumsy." Wyla said patting his head. When I first met her in sixth grade she'd been much shorter than me but now she's taller than me. Apparently I haven't grown an inch in the past four years.

I feel really dizzy and my vision goes black. I wake up in the nurse's office to hear the assistant nurse talking to the student president.

"We have to get his program removed and fixed very soon. The malfunctions are getting worse and the virus is progressing faster than we thought." She hissed at him.

"I've contacted the system. They're curious and want to find out what happens next so they want the test to continue for a couple weeks longer." The student president replied sounding almost apologetic.

"His program will not last much longer. It's falling apart and at this rate they'll have to delete him just like-" Her voice rose in hysteria.

"Shh, you'll wake him. What happened to her is horrible to say the least but we don't have the authority to stop the test. If we do they'll just do this to someone else." The president cut the nurse off, "Do you want that?"

"No, but if they don't stop the test in two weeks I will." She warned. I heard the president give his affirmation and leave. I pretended to be asleep for a few more minutes before sitting up.

"How did I get here?" I asked the nurse adding some drowsiness and confusion to my voice to make it seem as if I had been asleep.

She fell for it, "You blacked out. You were on the border of heat stroke. If your going to be outside in dark clothes on a sunny day please remember to drink lots of water and not stand in the sun." She smiled politely.

"Okay," I said sounding more awake, "Was the president in here a moment ago? I want to talk to him about something."

"Yes, but he just left." She said and I could the panic in her eyes.

"Oh, good, I need to talk to him about my club. We're changing themes and I need to get the say so from him." I said jumping out of bed and getting dizzy again.

The nurse realizing I had no idea what they had been talking about calmed down. "Lay down. Your not leaving until I give the say so. You were burning up when they brought you in and I can tell just by looking your still feverish. Now go back to sleep or else I'll make you." She said taking out a syringe she uses on difficult patients. I hate needles so I grab the covers and burry myself in them.

"Whatever you say ma'm." I yelp in fake fear. I then begin to think about what the nurse and president were talking about. Were they talking about me? I wondered. Do they know who I am?

I dismissed the thoughts and fell back asleep.

The final bell had rung by the time I could finally leave. I went straight to the club meeting to find out Prez had already taken care of changing the club name. I was thankful for that because I had the feeling the president could always see right through me when I was hiding something. It's a creepy feeling, like someone is behind you at all times but you can't see them.

I shared what I had heard with the others and they stared blankly at me.

"So you think the student president and the assistant nurse know something about you but your not sure what?" Greg asked.

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