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Chapter 13


I got Wyla home safe and sound to the relief of her parents. She was taken to her room and I stretched out in mine and winced as pain threaded up my spine. The original plan had been for Sett and I to sneak off under the guise of a camping trip. I'm on my own now but I found the perfect location to let the mutations take place.

My cellphone rang and a message popped up saying the general wanted to talk to me. My shoulder spasmed and I dropped the phone. I touched it to find it very sensitive and painful. I picked the phone up and typed back I couldn't come. Finna would take my place until I came back.

With that I took out my tongue ring and used my finger nails to rip the transmitter out of my arm. They're going to have a lot fun finding me now. Then I jumped through the window and ran into the woods. I eventually found my way to the cave I'd found Wyla outside of. I entered to find it forked part way in and took the path less travelled. It's full of water and my keen senses detected sharp rocks hanging from the ceiling and some sticking up from the floor.

I felt the wings move again and cried out softly as the skin broke. It only got worse form there. They weren't fully grown yet so I'd be here for a few days and have to wait for that to be over before I could cut the skin on my back and let them out. I reached the back of the cave and rested against the wall. I drifted into sleep after awhile and dreamed of the past.

"Sett! Sett! Wake up!" I shook him excitedly.

"What?" He whined sitting up.

"Come on! I heard something interesting about the night sky and I want to check it out." I said pulling him towards the dorm door.

"We're not leaving the room are we?" Sett asked snapping awake. I nodded, "Jett we can't, if we get caught we're in big trouble!"

"We'll just tell them you had to go to the bathroom and were sleepy so you got lost and I came to find you." I replied simply.

"No Jett! I won't! Our programmers can tell when we're lying and they'll know. I'm not doing it!" Sett insisted.

"Okay then, I'll go by myself." I snuck out the door before Sett could protest.

I snuck down the hall until I came to a red door. These doors lead to the outside world and are guarded with high tech alarm systems. I focused and used my telekinesis to open the door and keep the alarms silent and believing the door was still closed. I stepped outside for the first time in my life. It's warm and a gentle breeze is blowing by. I look up to see two big white disks in the sky surrounded by millions and billions of white sparkles. The mist glimmers and shines in rainbow colors and everything is as lit as if I was still inside but in a much ghostlier light.

A shape passed by the moon and I saw it was a night bird. I wanted to fly to and be free. I wanted to touch the sky and explore it's wonders. I sensed something move behind me and grabbed it to find a yellow ribbon. It's tied around my forehead and I have no idea how it got there either. It flickered and disappeared a few minutes later though.

I hurried back inside and to the dorms to tell Sett everything. I shook him and he rolled over but didn't wake up. Around his forehead though was a white ribbon that faded and disappeared. I felt a great foreboding like our time together was now limited. I went back to bed without waking him. The next night he decided to go with me to see the ghost light but the door had been sealed shut and not even my telekinesis could open it. So Sett never got a chance to see what I saw that night except through my memory.

I woke up in the cave and cried out as unexpected pain flared in my shoulders and spine when I tried to get up. I sagged against the wall breathing hard and unable to move. Admittedly feeling like your spine's being torn out feels allot worse than getting my arm torn off and my legs shattered, twice.

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