Better Left Forgotten

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Chapter 4

Better Left Forgotten

"I hope he wakes up soon, seriously it's no fun watching him sleep." Prez whined nearby.

"Well, lets be grateful his fever broke and he went back to his usual amnesia self." Wyla said softly and I felt her hand pat my head. I don't know why but such gestures of caring seem unnatural to me. As if nobody had ever cared for me or praised me for doing a good job. As if everything good I did, I did because it was expected.

"The doctors said he'd be waking up any moment. For all we know he's awake now and just listening to us." Greg muttered distractedly reading his manga.

"It does seem like something he would do." Wyla muttered herself.

I decided it was a good idea to wake up before they noticed I was already awake. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. They'd somehow got me to the hospital without me knowing it. I felt weird waking up somewhere different than when I fell asleep. My back hurt too but then yet anyone's would after sleeping in a hospital bed.

"Your awake! Finally!" Prez smiled happily.

I reached up and poked her forehead. She jumped back surprised.

"Kiiro, what was that for?" She snapped but was blushing furiously. I didn't get it, the way human minds work is lost on me.

"You were in my personal space," was my simple answer.

"Personal space this!" Wyla said grabbing me from behind and giving me a knuckle sandwich.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" I yelped feeling like I was coming out of my very weird dream at last. "Don't do that!"

"Than don't go poking people's foreheads and acting like a different person. Okay?" She asked with an intimidating presence.

"Okay, I promise! Kiiro is Kiiro, not anyone else." I said quickly before Wyla could give me another knuckle sandwich.

"Well, not true. You were somebody before you wee Kiiro. We just haven't figured it out yet." Wyla said with a smile and patting my head again.

"While you were out cold I found a video on the internet and the person it looks allot like you." Greg said excitedly putting his manga away and taking out his laptop.

"Well, when your eyes are red he looks exactly like you." Prez corrected.

The video was a report over a terrorist group that had infiltrated a government building and were on a killing rampage according to the report. A girl fell off the roof and the camera caught her falling all the way down where she landed on her feet with no problems and sustaining no damage. She stood up and even though I couldn't see her face, because of the suckish lighting and the suckish video, I knew it was Finna. She screamed something at the police and attacked

Moments later two other people jumped from the roof and landed nearby. The one that looked like a of going by figure turned and yelled at the police, "Get back you idiots! She's malfunctioning!" When they didn't listen he pushed them back and I got a very clear view as he came towards the guy holding the camera. He got pushed back as well and I saw the boy's face. It was like looking in a mirror. We did look exactly alike but this guy

I could tell he was capable of more than I was.

"I don't think I'm him. We look the same but we're not the same person." I said with more certainty than I actually feel.

"We know that silly. What we were wonder was if you two might be related. You can not pass off the resemblance." Wyla said.

"True, but I'm not sure I like the idea of being related to a terrorist." I retorted.

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