When They Know Too Much

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Chapter 10

When They Know Too Much

"Of course it is. Your moving the surf board and yourself at the same time." Finna said sun bathing on the beach. Lucky Showakusei don't get cancer so they can burn as many times as they like. My sweet revenge is they don't even sunburn or get tan. Something about their melanin levels.

"It's okay, you’re doing quite good actually." Jett encouraged. His hair is fading back to black and Set's has already faded back to blonde. They enjoyed those three weeks they looked exactly the same though way too much.

"Says the boy who could move an entire building complex with his telekinetic powers." I snapped. I lost concentration and the surfboard stopped levitating and I fell with it. "Ouch!"

"Perhaps your human mind has so many distractions it can't focus your energy correctly. We'll need something to channel your energy where it belongs instead of open space." Finna got up and fished in her bag. She then brought out a beaded bracelet with magenta, black and white, green, purple and red beads. The magenta beads had Japanese characters on them.

"What is it?" I asked recalling the first time I saw her she'd been wearing that bracelet.

"My programmer didn't save me. He's a strict by the book kind of guy but his assistant actually cared about me. She made this bracelet and said that it helps focus telekinetic energy. Ever since I've never had a problem focusing my powers. I've grown out of it though and don't need it anymore so it's time to pass it on to someone who does." She explained tying it around my wrist. Her eyes faded from red to a beautiful dark brown and I saw that was her true eye color.

"You should try being happy more." I pointed out.

She looked surprised but smiled and went back to her suntan. I got on the surf board again and focused with everything I had. The board flew right up into the air and wouldn't stop until I fell off. Jett caught me but it was still close.

"Looks like you can get into the air. Now the problem is getting you to stay on the board." He joked putting me down. I had to be red as a beet.

"Your blushing again!" Finna yelled to me from the twenty feet away and wasn't even looking at me, "Could you be any more obvious!"

"Leave Wyla alone!" Jett tossed back.

After a few more weeks they’d had straps built into the surf board to hold me in place while flying. I'd improved my balance and gone for a fly with Jett and Sett. Well they weren't really flying. They broke their cells down into light and energy and floated along beside me. They could go faster but preferred to wait for me.

"Wow, who new flying was so much fun!" I yelled.

"Well, we had to find some way to make you portable." Jett retorted. He's jealous in his own way. He can't literally fly but he can make his cells break down and levitate them. I can't do that at all. My Showakusei DNA has been watered down too much by human DNA.

"There's the school. Race you there!" I yelled and kicked it into high gear and went flying to the roof at sixty miles an hour. I landed but Jett and Sett were already there. Of course I can only go eighty miles an hour max while Sett and Jett can move at the speed of light and faster.

"We won, let's go." They dragged me inside and stealthily down the steps. Sett refused to leave the stairwell until first bell. When Jett first came here he had quite a few fans as well but unlike Sett back then if Jett felt cornered he'd kicked or go ninja on everyone. Sett on the other hand is very calm and peaceful at school and has so many fan girls he's about to drop out and have Jett train him how to use medieval weapons. Dead honest the two are exactly alike. It's insane!

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