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Chapter 7


Two weeks ago the Kiiro Team just vanished and haven't been seen since. The school was abuzz about how the student president, the nurse's assistant, Kiiro/Jett (not everyone gotten used to that yet) and two other students all vanished. Their addresses were fakes and when the woods was searched they found a camp with their school bags and a tent full of weapons from all eras as well as a few no one had ever seen before. They'd also left their nutrition pills behind. Wherever they are they left in a hurry.

I look at the field where Kiiro had emerged from nowhere four years ago. I go out of my way to pass it everyday now. If he was ever coming back it'd be through this way.

"Wyla, if he was going to come back or say goodbye he would have sent word by now." Greg kind of whined because it was getting late and he wanted supper. We'd all decided to have supper at my house in celebration of my fifteenth birthday.

I glared at him, "What if something went wrong. He wouldn't have come back in the first place if he wasn't on a mission and even then their every move said they weren't going to be here long." I snapped at him unable to explain how I knew something had gone completely utterly wrong. Kiiro was hurt and I could sense it in a way that couldn't be explained.

I looked out into the field again and with the sun in my eyes I saw the silhouette of Kiiro. I dropped my back pack and went running toward him.

"Kiiro!" I yelled in excitement. When I was a few feet away he noticed my presence. He vanished and before I knew it I was flat on the ground with my arms twisted behind me and someone's foot on my neck. I twisted my hea around to look and the dying light fell on the boy's face.

His hair was a darker blonde and his eyes are a deep dark emerald like green. His pupils are shaped like diamonds just like Kiiro's eyes when he was angry or agitated. He even looked like Kiiro. Same eye shape, same face, same everything except his eye and hair color.

"You're not Kiiro, who are you?" I asked.

"Let her go!" Greg yelled raising his manga to throw it at the boy. He threw it and the boy caught it and found into more interesting than pinning me to the ground.

"These pictures are fascinating." He muttered in a very familiar accent and his voice sounds like Kiiro's to.

"Who are you and why did you attack one of my friends?" Prez puffed coming to join us.

"I'm Sett," he replied continuing to look at the manga pictures. He turned to Greg, "What are these interesting pictures called?"

"Manga," Greg replied kind of slowly as if Sett might bite him if he wasn't careful.

"Interesting, catch!" He threw the manga back to Greg and there was an audible smack as it made contact and Greg fell over.

"You're a program aren't you?" I asked him.

He seemed to think about it for a moment, "Kind of, I left the system so I'd be considered a rouge program. A renegade I guess."

"Call me blonde but does he have the same face as Kiiro?" Prez asked.

"I noticed that, I think that's why I mistook him for someone else. So why are you here?" I asked Sett.

"I came because another renegade program told me to. She said I could come here and I'd never be forced to kill anyone ever again and could live a peaceful life." He sighed, "Now where do I go to get food. I'm starving."

"Wait a minute, you eat?" I asked a little taken back.

"Oh, I have to. The nutrition pills didn't work on me for some reason. They even tried adapting special ones for me but it failed." He explained doing various stretches as if preparing for a race.

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