Three: The Club

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The Club

"So why'd you say it was me? Why didn't you just say it was Zeke?" Nicholas asks, laying himself on my bed one hand holding up his head.

It's the day after Alexander shifted in my room so of course, I had to call Nic over. Well, to be honest, he basically called himself over. Being the nosey wolf he is, he needed to know why he was being used as a scapegoat to such a preposterous and unlikely chain of events.

Which is true, it is so unlikely for a regular wolf to get so worked up they shift, I'd have to have done something insanely crazy for that to happen. And even so, for Nicholas to shift like that out of rage? It's totally out of character.

"Because he's still so mad about the Alexander Russo being my mate thing." I sigh, glancing outside the window.

Everything was so much simpler when Alexander hadn't attacked, it seems as though ever since that day everything has just gone south. Well... I guess things could've gone worse for the Pack. So, rather this, huh.

"I don't get that." He says looking at me, "Nothing has been confirmed. He's basing it all on 'what if's'."

I let out a puff of air, "Neither do I, I mean I'm sorry that I'm not nineteen yet. I'm sorry I cannot tell whether he is or is not my mate. I mean, why is it even an issue? Of course, Ezekiel is my mate."

It really infuriated me that he was doubting us, it really did. However, a really small devilish part of me doubted it too. And as my birthday drew closer I got more and more nervous.

He gives me a reassuring smile, "It's okay, Eli."

"It isn't..." I get up and close all the doors, so the sound won't escape, "I used you as a scapegoat because Alexander Russo was in my room last night..."

Nicholas instantly looks baffled, "What?"

I continue, "... And he shifted in here and caused a scene because I said Zeke's my mate."

Nicholas sat up, "Eli..." his tone was solemn. I knew instantly that I had lost him to the 'Alexander Russo is your mate' posy.

"Last night wasn't the first time he has shown up either. He usually, like, stalks me. He watches me from afar and has entered my room twice. Last night I just made the mistake of messing with him. He didn't take it well and that's why he shifted."

I knew the words were coming.

"That seems like something a mate would do, Elijah."

"I know." I stare at my feet, not knowing what else to say, I knew what it looked like. I wasn't a fool.

He runs a hand through his hair, "What does he say when he's here?"

I look at my ceiling, "Nothing really, just questions if I'm afraid of him. He doesn't do or say much."

"Have you seen him since he shifted?" He queries.

These are an awful lot of questions.

I shake my head, "No, that isn't unusual though, he normally only comes at night."

"Ah." Nicholas nods, "Don't make him mad again please, we don't need another attack."

I laugh, "I'll keep that in mind."

That conversation took place a week ago and I haven't seen Alexander since. I guess that's a good thing, I did ask him to leave me alone. Although I didn't think he would, I guess I'll appreciate that he listens. If he is my mate, I deserved these last few days without him clogging up my mind.

My Monster Mate (Book I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant