Forty: The Dream

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The Dream

Nathaniel sat beside me, peacefully asleep. I sighed and looked out the window. I hadn't been on many plane trips but every time I did, I made sure I got the window seat. I enjoyed the view. Being above the clouds, seeing the world in a different way. It gave me a kind of blissful feeling.

I reclined the seat and shut my eyes, letting out a content sigh as I found a good position.

Suddenly I saw an odd looking man that I had never seen before standing before me. He was looking right at me, laughing. He had his canines elongated, dark black hair, pale skin and dark eyes that resembled a black hole. We were in a field, it was covered in thick layers of snow though.

I looked to the floor and saw what he was laughing at. Beside him lay a black and cream coloured wolf. It was large and clearly dead. There was blood flooding out of its side, it had been clawed to death. I had seen this wolf before and it took me a while to realise that it was Alexander.

I gasped and ran towards him, "Get away from him!" I slid on the ice and shook the lifeless wolf.

"Alex, Alex please. Wake up. Wake up, please Alexander." I wailed, my tears mixing in with the blood staining the snow.

My heart clenched in pain and I cried out. I was struggling to grasp the sight before me, struggling to understand what could have possibly happened and why? For goodness sake, how? Alexander is powerful, he is threatening and domineering. He could take in anyone singlehandedly, it's why he was feared.

How could this man have taken him down?

"What did you do to him!?" I demanded.

The man was now walking away, laughing louder than before. He turned and my rage increased. Something took over and I fisted my hand and I heard bones breaking. The man was screaming, his bones obviously being the ones crushed.

Rising to my feet I kept my fist clenched, I made my way slowly toward him raising my hand as he levitated above me. I raised it until he was many feet above and I screamed as I brought my hand down with much intensity.

His body came crashing down, landing in an awkward position. His bones jutting out and blood leaking out of him. I wasn't done though, I raised his body one more time for good leisure then brought it down again.

As if it would bring Alexander back, as if it would stop my breaking heart. I turned to run toward Alexander's dead wolf when my eyes snapped open.

"Elijah!" I sat up and the first thing I saw was Alexander's brown orbs the green dotted about.

"I need you to calm down." He stroked my cheek with his finger, his other hand holding my head in place so I'm staring right at him.

I closed my eyes and the shaking stopped.


Shaking? I snapped my eyes open, "Why was the plane shaking?"

I looked around and everyone was seated with their seatbelts strapped on and the air masks had popped down swinging about. Everything had fallen from the compartments. I looked back at Alexander completely confused.



It dawned on me that I had been asleep, the magic has been transferred. The dream I had must have really worked me up. I couldn't believe the anger I was capable of.

"The dark magic, it was feeding off of your emotions. What in the heavens were you dreaming of?" He questions.

He had taken the seat previously occupied by Nathaniel.

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