Eight: The Coward

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The Coward

My jaw nearly dropped to the ground, he has got to be kidding. I know we're not currently seeing eye-to-eye but I mean, once we pass this slight bump in the road, surely, I should meet them.

I look over at his approaching figure, "What? Why?"

"You just won't." He snapped, clearly distracted, "On to more important questions. Like. Are you going to make it a habit of being here, alone, with my brother?" Alexander questions.

"Yeah," My eyes narrowed as my arms crossed, "I was thinking I might just move in."

If he wanted to be mean, I could play dirty and unlucky for him he's quite the easy target. Alpha's and their dumb tempers.

"Move in." He turns to Nate who doesn't look the slightest bit concerned with Alexander's death glare.

"Yeah," Nate fuels on, "We were just discussing what colour her room –"

I tap his shoulder, "Our room." I fill in.

"Sorry. Our room –"

"Nathaniel. If you wish to continue living, I advise you shut the hell up." Alexander says, malice practically dripping off every word.

I narrow my eyes at him, "Get over yourself, Alexander. You literally said you don't want a mate and now you proved it by telling me I'm never meeting your family. So, just leave. I don't even understand why you won't let me reject you. I'm sure it would be a lot less painful than this."

I was tired of this up and down, tired of him treating me like I have no emotions. I just wanted to be like any other mated couple. Why didn't he want that?

"Don't worry, Ellie. I could take him and he knows it."

Nate swings his arm around my shoulders, bringing me out of my thoughts that were quickly taking me to pits-ville.

Alexander begins to shake, "Ellie?"

"That temper." I tisk, "It'll do you no good."

"It never has." Nate chimes in.

Alexander makes his way towards us, clearly upset. However, before he could even reach us Nathaniel raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, making Alexander crumble to his knees, hands grabbing his temple. I felt like I was in a scene from The Vampire Diaries.

Alexander was trying to be the all-powerful, trying to get to his feet but he could only reach a proposal stance. He was breathing heavy and suppressing a scream. The definition of agony becoming his face.

It was odd to watch this little scene in front of me. Alexander back on both knees now, clearly in a great deal of pain but I couldn't hear or feel a thing. Although it obviously wasn't the case for Alexander.

Nate unclenched his hand and got down on one knee, looking sternly at his brother, "You ought to remember who the eldest is." Was all he said.

"Fuck you." Was Alexander's response.

"I thought you said you didn't use your powers." I say, trying to defuse this ticking time bomb running down the clock before me.

"I don't, normally. But sometimes my little brother needs to remember his place." Nate shrugs, dusting himself off.

For that split second there, if you hadn't known better you would swear Nate was the monster. His demeanour and actions were well played out to look like the villain here.

"And you seem to forget which one of us would actually pull off that little stunt of yours." Alexander says, referring to killing the other.

He was right too, Nathaniel could never. He didn't have a single evil bone in his body.

My Monster Mate (Book I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant