Fourteen: The Blackout

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The Blackout

I had been home for two days with nothing to do and no one to bother because it finally dawned on me that Elisha had left. I actually don't know what to do with myself now that she was so far from me.

We had sorted our stuff out and then she left right after, leaving me with nothing but longing. For her and a bit for how easy everything fell into place for her. She got a mate who couldn't be the most thoughtful and loving soul to ever grace the earth.

Someone she already knew and trusted, someone she had watched take care of her sister for years so she knows full well he could take care of her. Majority of the bond had already been solidified, there was nothing much left to do.

She had it so easy. I wanted it to be that easy for me too. It was a stupid thing to wish for, I know, but I couldn't stop myself from wishing it.

Feeling fed up with my thoughts, I toss my book to the end of my bed and let out a frustrated scream at how complicated everything had to be for me.

That was until I heard the slight creaking of our wooden staircase, I was home alone so I knew it wasn't my parents. Not to mention this person was audibly trying not to make a noise, they were tiptoeing their way up the stairs.

By the time the door opened revealing an unknown she-wolf, I was ready for her. She had short black hair, pale skin and dull blue eyes. She smelled quite different but it was a different I knew but couldn't place.

"What do you want here?" I asked.

"You." She snarled, "You killed her, you bitch. You killed Katy!" Her eyes were wild and her tone vengeful.

Killed? This girl was clearly delusional, " I haven't killed –"

I stopped short when I remembered the wolves from two days ago, the ones that had interrupted my run. They came out of nowhere and were so aggressive, they clearly wanted me dead. This one probably does too. Did she think I wouldn't defend myself?

Well that is laughable.

"That was a mistake. She came out of nowhere and started attacking me, what was I supposed to do? Let her?" I snap.

The she-wolf grits out, "You were supposed to stop, just as Isaiah had told you to!"

She knows Isaiah, meaning those wolves did too. They must have been Creatures that is probably why she smells like she does and why I find the smell familiar. I had just smelt it the day before because Nathaniel does not smell like this. He had the distinct Russo smell.

I shook my head, "I did stop! I didn't kill Katy. I bit her leg, that's all I did."

She corrected, "You bit Morgan and killed Katy."

My brows furrow as confusion covers my face, "What!?"

'Don't deny it. She won't kill you. Just say you did it.' Isaiah linked me.

Listening to him I apologise, "I'm sorry. I was trying to save myself."

"All you did was kill my best friend. You can shove your sorry. You're lucky I promised Isaiah I wouldn't kill you. Too bad I didn't say shit about hurting you."

Obviously, Isaiah failed to inform her that I'm a Warrior.

She took off in a sprint, lunging at me, I sidestepped and grabbed a hold of her leg that was barrelling past me from her lunge. While she was airborne I spun her by her leg and proceeded to throw her out of my open window.

I follow her out the window, however, I jump out fully intending to land right on top of her. Which I do, my fist immediately connects with her jaw. She grunts, grabbing a fist full of my hair she bangs my head to the ground. She pushes me off her afterwards but I don't let her get far.

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