Five: The Brother

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The Brother

I hate to admit it, I really do.

But – I need to see him. It's been two weeks. Two freaking weeks, mates shouldn't be apart for that long. I haven't even felt him, normally my wolf would feel his wolf lingering around as per his stalker tendencies but recently there's nothing. I have, however, been getting the creepy feeling that someone was watching me. Though, whenever I got to my window I wouldn't see a damn thing.

Back to the actual issue here though, I need to at least be around him. My only problem is, the hell am I going to do? I cannot go to him. He'll laugh in my face then not give a crap about my feelings. The very feelings I didn't want to manifest but no he had to stop me from just rejecting him and having this whole thing come to an end.

I can't stay here either though, I'll go crazy. These rollercoaster moods are also probably because I miss Zeke so bloody much. However, there's literally nothing I can do about that because he's unfortunately mated to Luna Josephine's younger sister, Bridgette. She's such a bitch. She literally goes around claiming to be a bitch. I mean honestly, who does she think she is, a female rapper?

Elisha has been no use either, I haven't seen her since she found out Nicholas was her mate. Nicholas at least bothers to come around sometimes, to talk to me – mostly because he knows that I'm away from my mate and actually need him – however, Elisha just doesn't swing around. Which is weird considering we live in the same house.

"Eli." Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hi, Elisha." I say briskly, "Finally remember you have a sister, I see." I smile.

She gives me a look, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We live in the exact same house and yet you're practically a stranger. Nicholas sees me more than you do. Way to go making me feel better about Zeke, big sis."

She laughs, "I'm your big sister when it suits you."


She clicks her tongue, "You're always hot and bothered when I act like a big sister – which I am – but as soon as I 'stop,'" she puts air quotes, "You're ready to pounce on me! What the fuck do you want, Elijah?"

"I just want my sister, my boyfriend and my best friend. I just want everything to go back to the way it was."

Weird as it is the four of us have kind of always hung together. First, it was just the three of us but as soon as Zeke and I had started flirting then dating he was added on. Now, there's no one. Absolutely no one left. Just me.

If I had lost them in intervals maybe I'd handle this better but it all just fell on me. They all left, all got their other halves who actually accepted them and the bond. To add salt to the wound, I lost them all on my birthday.

Not to mention what the Pack lost, it's been weeks of mourning and sadness. Jay has tried his best to make everything as smooth as possible for the families that lost loved ones.

The rebuilding hasn't been that bad, seeing as most of it happened out in the open field. As I had mentioned my home is quite some distance away from the rest of the Pack and majority of it happened out there.

Her face softened, "Eli."

"No, whatever. It doesn't matter. I'm going for a run."

I walked right past her, down the stairs and out the house. As soon as I shut the back door I ran toward the woods. I stripped behind a bush, tied my clothes to my leg and shifted.

I ran as if my life depended on it, I zipped in between trees, jumped over fallen branches and ducked under low hanging trees. My emotions taking me further than I had ever been, I don't even know how long I've been running but soon enough I heard thumping behind me.

My Monster Mate (Book I)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora