7. Clora

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I tossed and turned, trying to force myself into sleep.

I was tired, but I couldn't stop my trailing thoughts.

It was awkward with Duke was sitting a few meters away, probably watching me lay there.

Did he know I was still awake?

I faced away from the small lounges and kept my eyes on a nearby window, watching the eerie shadows of a tree swaying in the angry wind.

I thought of Ryde, and sudden fear would spear through my body.
He was out there somewhere, planning his attack.

I bravely turned my body around, and took a glance towards Duke.

Sure enough he was still sitting there, his head held down.
Almost as if I'd called his name, his head lifted

"Can't sleep?" He asked, his voice husky and deep, like he had been sleeping.

I propped myself up on my elbows "No"

"If you're worried about Ryde, you shouldn't be. That's why I'm here"

"You said yourself that he could bring an army in and attack, if that happens I'm as good as dead"

I heard him sneer

What was his deal?
One minute he was nice, and the next he was brutal.

I looked towards him, he hadn't moved an inch.

"What's your deal? I mean, do you have a personal problem with me, or are you a jerk to everyone as equals?" I asked, frustrated

"A jerk?" He repeated

I watched his figure lift from the seat and slowly stride towards me.

"You know, I should kick Riley's ass for what he's done. I don't think he gets the gravity of seriousness going on"

How had this suddenly become about Riley?

"We were just mucking around, it wouldn't ever be serious. Do you understand just how wrong that is?"
I felt bad for my words, thinking about he and Anna's relationship.

"Tell me Duke, what do my emotions say whenever you storm in on us?" I challenged.
I knew how I felt, it wasn't what he thought.

He leaned his arms on the bed, bringing his face close to mine.
My heart began to race at the sudden proximity. I could feel his breath on my face, my eyes could just make out his golden gaze.

"Your emotions don't react the way Riley's do" He confessed
"However, your emotions are erratic at times such as now" He continued, a small smirk tugging at his lips


His words only seemed to heighten my reaction, my heart beginning to pump even louder and beat against my chest. It caused my palms to sweat in my lap.

His face inched towards mine, just as Riley's had. I could feel the difference in emotions myself.

When Riley had done it, it was playful, humorous. But now, with Duke, it felt intense, magnetic.

I watched him closely.
His expression told me he was enjoying this.
I wanted to move away, but something was stopping me, dragging me in the opposite direction.
I kept my eyes close on his as his nose lightly brushed against mine. My breathing hitched, and I expected him to kiss me, just like Riley had.
Instead he pulled away with one quick fluid motion.
My heart rate peaked and I let out my trapped breathing.
What was he doing to me? Was this some form of mind control? Why couldn't I stop it?

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