29. Safe

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I'd agreed that I was to be dropped off with Clora while she was wiped free from her memory.
Jaymi said she was to be the one to do it.

Riley had dropped the three of us back at my home for it to all happen, and after Clora had been wiped I would explain that I could no longer keep up the finances up on my home and was moving to a family friends house an hour away.
I was sure she would ask questions, and I knew it was going to be hard, but I knew it was for the best.

We were sitting in my lounge room talking before Jaymi simply gestured to me with a nod that it was time.

"Hey Clora, has Jaymi told you she can read people's minds?" I beamed, looking directly at her

"Oh my god, no way" She chirped in response

Jaymi laughed and shook her head, playing along

"Go on Jaymi, show her" I urged

"You want me too?" Jaymi continued as she gestured towards Clora sitting beside her

"Yes, of course" She agreed, almost jumping up and down where she sat

"Okay, cool" Jaymi then took her fingers against Clora's temples.
She stared directly into Clora's soul and I knew that Jaymi quickly had her hook line and sinker within that second

"After work on Sunday, you went straight to Rosie's place. You weren't feeling well enough to go home so you stayed until tonight. But everything is okay now, you already rang your parents and let them know on Sunday night" Jaymi began as she brainwashed my best friend in front of me.
And it was half true, Clora had rung her parents the night I'd been attacked and told them that she was sick and staying at my house.

Jaymi then let go of her face and before Clora could blink, Jaymi was gone, whooshed from the room.

Clora sighed and stared at me

"Anyway, I should go, I feel a bit better, so I may as well get home just in case it comes
back" She sighed

"Yeah, they'd be getting worried soon" I agreed as we stood and walked towards the front door

"Oh Clora, I have to tell you something too" I started as we stopped on my front porch

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking worried

"There's been some bad news about the house; I can't afford to live here anymore" I began

"But you have no one or nowhere else to go, what are you supposed to do?" She protested

"While I was in Camden my friend told me that they have a few friends that live an hour away. They're really nice and have a spare room for rent. They said that I could move there if I wanted too" I shrugged, making it seem as casual as possible "That way I can still go to school here and see you guys" I added, trying my best

"Serious? I mean, it sounds good I guess, but are you sure?" She stumbled, unsure

"It's the best I've got so far. Everything would still be the same, it'd just take me longer to get to and from school" I shrugged

"Okay, well that's good I suppose. I'm happy for you" She smiled as she began backwards down the stairs on my porch

"I'll see you at school tomorrow" I added

"Yeah, I'll message you. Hopefully I'm better by then" She shrugged as she walked down my driveway

"Okay" I waved as she disappeared.
She thought she was sick, when really she wasn't, at all. It was incredible how powerful the mind could be.

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