28. Heaven

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I wondered what heaven would be like. I wondered if it was everything portrayed in the movies. White, quiet, peaceful, loving.
But then again I couldn't expect it. I never expected Vampires like Duke to be charming and kind. Why would heaven be exactly like it was portrayed in movies if Vampires weren't portrayed as nice as some really were?

I waited for what seemed like forever, waiting for heaven or angels to envelope me in wonder and take me away.
But of course, they didn't.

My eyes burst open to a rush of screams, ringing in my ears. At a slow-mo pace, bodies entered the room, rushing around in super speed.
Unable to focus, unable to breathe, I allowed my eyes to shut, unable to carry on any longer.
I felt my body become light, swaying gently as though I was being lifted into the sky, caressed by the clouds above waiting for me.
This was it, it was time to succumb.


Returning to life, my eyes adjusted greeting a bright white light hovering above my head.
Two gentle voices whispered on either side of me.
I immediately recognized one as Duke, and the other as Jaymi. Was this a part of the departure? Was this a dream or had they made it to me in miracle time?
I tried to speak, but my voice came out as a weak mumble.
A cold finger pressed to my lips in a gesture to hush me. I closed my eyes again and lay still, a warm rush of heat surging back into my body.
I let the feeling run through me willingly, pulling me back under in a deep sleep.


The next time my body re-entered reality, I became a lot more aware of what was going on.
My body felt relaxed. My right hand stinging with coldness. I didn't try to speak, and I didn't try to move. I was far too comfortable and terrified of what I'd meet on the other side.

In time, finding the courage to meet my fate, I peeled my eyes open.

His features were struck with worry, but still held a soft stare. His eyes melted into mine, and I could almost taste the sweetness portrayed. His lips lightly curled upwards into a weak smile as slight pressure pressed onto my cold hand.

"Hey" Duke's low voice greeted "Don't speak" He quickly added as my lips parted ready to reply, his cold finger pressing them back down.

"You're okay" He continued, obviously trying to calm my nerves "Clora's fine too, she's downstairs with Jaymi"

I felt my cold hand lift, Duke was holding it in between both of his palms, his fingers creating soothing circles.

I ignored his request for me not to speak, and tried again before he could stop me

"Dodge?" I managed out in a low groggy voice, barely audible

"I told you not to speak Rosie" He replied, ignoring my question as he lifted a hand and ran a light finger along my cheek.
Without thought, I flinched, flashes of Dodge brushing my hair back from my face flickering to mind like a horrific slide show.

"Sorry" He apologized as he pulled his hand back


For the next hour, I didn't move, I didn't speak, I just laid there, unaware of what had happened. Unaware of how I had even survived. I wanted to bombard Duke with questions, but I simply didn't have the energy. I was exhausted and in extreme pain.
I kept my eyes firmly held on Duke, afraid of being left alone.

It was when Seth entered the room that I couldn't contain my voice.
I turned my head to face him as he spoke to Duke about my 'progress'.
While Duke was unaware, I tried to sit up, lifting myself up on my elbows, quickly being gently pushed back down with Seth's cold arm to my left.
I felt something pull on my hand and slightly sting. I looked down at the cause and saw that a drip was placed in the top of my hand, taped down, running through with a clear liquid.

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