18. Don't

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Even though I was fully capable of walking, Duke held an arm around my waist the entire trip up to my room, only letting go when he opened my bedroom door for me. I didn't look at him, far too embarrassed as I sauntered over to my closet.

"Did someone take the clothes from my bathroom to wash?" I asked, earlier spotting the missing items

Duke gave me an odd look, creasing his eyebrows "Probably Riley. He has a habit of compulsive cleaning when it comes to nightfall" He explained

I pulled out a pair of loose sweatpants and a tight singlet before retreating to the bathroom to change. I tried my best not to bother looking at my neck, only aware in myself that a bruise had already arisen.

I quickly changed and couldn't help myself as I passed the mirror, taking a quick glance as my finger lingered on the light switch, the other on the door.

By quick glance I could see all four of the light fingertip bruises where Janey had her hand dug in, and that was enough for me. I looked away, and I pushed the door open switching the light off. Duke was sitting in his chair already as I walked to the bed, shuffling myself into the covers.

I tossed and turned for about ten minutes until I turned in the direction of Duke.
Surprisingly, he was watching me, the lighting hitting half of his face as he sat leaned back with his hands still and long on the arm rests.

"Can't sleep?" He assumed in a low tone

"No" I sighed

"You did sleep the entire drive home, you seemed pretty comfortable, you didn't move an inch after you found me useful as a pillow" He told me

"I'm trying not to roll my eyes right now" I smiled
Watching in the dark, he stood up and strode towards me, stopping at my bedside.

I just looked up at him and forced back a smirk.

"I dare you, Pretty" He shot back leaning his arms forward on the edge of the bed as he used Riley's nickname for me.
His warning only made me smile more wildly.

"I like to take risks" I smiled, lying
The second I said it, his hand caught my wrist by my side, holding it gently down.

My face turned serious as I watched him closely, waiting for what he would do next.

"How come your eyes turn black when you're angry?" I thought aloud
His face turned serious like mine had, and he gently let go of my wrist.
I'd asked a personal question, and I could see that it had somehow bothered him.

He pulled back from the bed where he leaned his arms, but still watched me.
"It just happens" He answered with a shrug, before slowly sitting on the edge of the bed

"Were you watching when Jaymi and I.." He trailed off, but  knew what he was talking about

"No, I looked away" I replied as he kept his eyes on the ground near his feet.
I remembered holding my head down near Janey as I heard the cracks and burst of dust fill the room - some of which still sprawled across Duke's hair and clothes.
"I don't think I could handle seeing death that way" I scoffed as he turned his gaze towards me

"You should sleep" He whispered, his face shut off, empty

"I can't" I quickly replied in the hopes of stopping him from moving away from me.
All I wanted was to ask him to stay where he was, or lie beside me. But I knew that was out of the question, and wrong, so wrong.

"Try" He whispered back, lifting himself up.
With foolish unthinking and unknown intentions, I sat up and took a hold of his wrist, stopping him from walking away from me.

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