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Caelen spent the following weeks working diligently on what to get her father. She'd never given a present before and she was determined to make this one a good one. Despite her father's warnings she snuck away one evening after he'd fallen asleep.

Sprinting as quickly as her little legs would take her Caelen rushing towards the dungeons. She knocked hesitantly hoping she wouldn't upset the potions master with her late evening visit, "professor Snape?" Her tiny voice called as she poked her head around the heavy door.

Severus glanced up shocked to see the little girl, "Caelen? What are you doing out at this hour?" He looked behind her expecting to see Remus.

"Ummm well..." The little girl hesitated lifting a heavy book up where the professor could see, "you see I was hoping to make this, for my father, for Christmas." The girl mumbled.

Severus sighed reaching for the book, "give it here." He snapped in his usual tone. The book opened to the potion, Elixir to Induce Euphoria, "you wish to induce euphoria in your father?" Snape questioned the girl puzzled.

"I want him to be happy, that's what euphoria means right really happy?"

"More or less," the potions master agreed, "but it is a fake, temporary happiness I suspect time spent with you might have a similar effect."

"Please professor Snape will you help me make it please?" The child begged brown eyes looking up pleadingly.

Professor Snape didn't like to think of himself as soft still the sight of those big brown eyes begging him for help began to worm their way past his hardened shell. "I suppose you won't leave it alone until I agree to assist you am I right?" He asked sighing.

"Oh thank you professor Snape!" the little girl gasped happily reaching forward in a move to hug the cranky professor.

Snape held the child at bay, his hand placed firmly on her head, "there will be no hugging!"

"Sorry professor Snape," Caelen responded still grinning. "What do we need to do?" She asked bouncing in her excitement to begin.

"I can't believe I've agreed to this," Severus growled out shaking his head, "come along child. My first years wouldn't be able to make this and you're even younger than them, so you must give your word you will do exactly as I instruct."

Caelen nodded eagerly bouncing along next to the man, "I promise professor!"

Snape rolled his eyes directing a caldron to his desk. He lifted the small girl onto a chair nearby before beginning the potion, "stir four turns counter clockwise." He instructed.

Caelen obeyed immediately watching his every motion with interest.

Snape added a few more ingredients, "alright now six turns counter clockwise."

Caelen counted the turns out carefully stopping immediately at six, "how's that professor?" She questioned a look of concentration on her young face.

A smile flickered briefly across his face, "well done Caelen, study hard and you have the makings of a first rate potions master."

The girl grinned watching with interest as Snape ladled out the sunny yellow potion handing her a vial. "Thank you so much professor!" She squealed once more reaching to hug him.

"What did I say about hugging?" Snape hissed pushing her away.

"Sorry I forgot no hugging, goodnight professor Snape thanks again!"

Snape sighed as the girl headed for his door, "wait," he called walking towards her, "can't have you wondering the castle alone at night. The drama that would ensue if you got lost or into trouble...come along I'll escort you to your father."

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