The Order

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Caelen woke hours later, cramped and groggy, to a startled yelp from her godfather, "Caelen, Merlin, what are you doing in my wardrobe?"

The girl sat up slowly head hanging low feet dangling out of the cupboard, "I did something bad," she whispered quietly. "Daddy's mad at me."

"Give me a second ok pup," Sirius hurried out the door and down the hall colliding with a nearly irritate Remus. "Hey moony I found her, she was asleep in my wardrobe."

Lupin made to go to her when his friend's hand pulled him back, "what Sirius I need to go talk to Caelen!" He snapped agitation apparent in his harsh tone.

"Let me," the dog animagus begged, "she's pretty upset and you're supposed to be headed to get Harry, I'll talk to her."

It looked like Remus was going to argue when Moody shouted from the bottom of the stairs, "alright then let's go times wasting!"

Moony glanced back down the hall anxiously, uncertain.

"Go on moons, I'll look after her."

With a sigh and a final look at the closed door that hid his child, Lupin trudged down the staircase and out the door to fetch Harry.

Sirius ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh before heading back to his room. Caelen was sitting on the floor, her back resting against the wall, her knees tucked under her chin.

"Alright pup, what happened?" He questioned quietly joining her on the hardwood flooring.

"I threw Tonks," she mumbled quietly.

Sirius glanced at the little girl in shock certain he hadn't heard right, "you what?"

"I didn't mean to!" She hurriedly tried to explain, "she was leaning in to kiss daddy, I just wanted her to get away I didn't mean to hurt her! And then she looked so surprised and daddy got mad and I ran in here and hid!"

"Hmmmm," Sirius sighed realizing he was getting into more than he'd bargained for, "so you performed some accidental magic huh? Caelen, you wanna explain to me why you don't want Tonks with your dad? I thought you liked Tonks?"

"I do! I like her! I just, what if they get together and she realizes I'm a freak? What if she doesn't want me around and convinces daddy to get rid of me?"

Sirius sighed pulling his goddaughter into his arms and hugging her tightly. "You're not a freak Caelen! Do you really think she'd do that, or that Remus would do that?"

"Daddy wouldn't right? Cuz he loves me?"

"He does pup, very much, Remus would never let anyone hurt you or take you away from him." The man reassured her gently. "Tonks wouldn't either, she's my little cousin you know? Do you think I'd hurt you or try to get rid of you?"

Caelen shook her head no, eyeing her godfather seriously. "I didn't know she was your cousin?"

"Yep second cousin actually, her mother is my cousin. She's not like Gena little one, Tonks cares about you I promise."

"Do you think she'll still care now? Think she'll forgive me?"

Sirius smiled, gently kissing the girl's soft brown hair, "I think so, why don't you ask her when she gets back? They've gone to fetch Harry now."

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now