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Nuts stayed, happy to be amongst her friends again and unwilling to return to her own empty home. The first few days were pleasant, the three old friends thrilled to see each other after so many years, but eventually all things come to an end. Sirius and Nuntis fell into old patterns, bickering and pranking each other like siblings, until Remus would simply groan and avoided them altogether. Caelen, on the other hand, was happy to look on giggling at the pair's antics and occasionally taking part.

The morning of Caelen's ninth birthday found the two pranksters standing in the kitchen arguing over everything from cake flavors, to presents, to streamer colors. Caelen, who had developed a love for muggle cartoons, giggled from the kitchen doorway as the streamers flashed.  They switched colors rapidly as the witch and wizard each insisted they knew what Caelen liked best, green, blue, yellow, then purple; reminding her of the fairy's argument in sleeping beauty.

"She's my goddaughter, I've known her longer!" Sirius snapped as he changed the green streamers to yellow.

Nuntis rolled her eyes flipping the black haired man off as she switched them to purple. "Yes because you really need that title I'm sure!" She signed between wand movements.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Sirius snapped, truly offended at that. "Everyone's always questioning the choice of making me godfather and I'm getting tired of it! I'll have you know I adore that little girl like she was my own, I'm a fantastic choice of godfather!"

The woman smirked as if she knew a secret Sirius wasn't yet privy to but didn't comment further. Her wand moved briskly, changing the streamer colors to a blue and green pattern.

Remus approached Caelen, placing his hand gently on her shoulder and staring through the doorway worriedly. "What're they up to now?"

"Arguing over streamer colors, and I believe godparent status?" The girl replied with a laugh.

Remus shook his head helplessly, "I had hoped they'd have grown past this in the last fifteen years. You like all those colors don't you?"

"Yes, but it's fun to watch them fight," the child giggled.

"Sirius I swear to Merlin if you change those streamers again I'm putting you on a leash!!" The woman signed with a scowl which only seemed to encourage Sirius.

"Ah but Nuts, love, Caelen likes my color choices better!" He grinned switching the color scheme to purple and yellow.

Nut's expression morphed as if she were silently growling and in a sudden flash Sirius found himself chained to the table. He grunted in irritation tugging on the chain around his neck and yelling profanities at the silently laughing woman.

Remus took one look at Caelen's horrified expression and stepped through the doorway releasing the struggling man quickly. "I know you are only messing around Nuntis but you've frightened Caelen." He signed quickly.

The woman's eyes flashed towards the young girl standing frozen in the entryway. Large brown eyes were locked fearfully on where the heavy chain had been leashed to the table only moments before. "Another Gina thing?" She questioned worriedly before approaching the girl. "Caelen? I'm sorry puppy, I was only playing, I'd never really chain Sirius, or anyone, up."

The little girl's eyes slowly traveled from the table to the offered notebook skimming over the words quickly. "I know," she whispered, nodding, "I understand people can joke about things without being like my mother. It's just, it's hard, to find it funny. I'm sorry."

Nuts struggled to control the many emotions roiling about inside her, anger at the dead woman she only vaguely remember from school, sadness at the horrors Caelen had faced, and frustration at having inadvertently reminded the girl of such a painful time. She sighed pulling the girl into a tight hug before reaching once more for her, rapidly filling, notebook. "I'm sorry Tesoro, I didn't think."

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