Blood Moon

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Summer in the cottage turned out to be an interesting affair, in Caelen's opinion. While she was more than happy to be back in the little house she'd come to love, and she was obviously pleased to see her uncle's newfound happiness with his welcome freedom, there had settled a coldness between her father and godfather that the girl wasn't used to. Even when Sirius had done stupid things in the past, like their trip out last autumn, Remus had always been quick to forgive him. This time was different somehow and despite the girl's best attempts the two largely avoided each other.

It appeared easier on Sirius to do so, at least from Caelen's perspective. The newly cleared ex-convict had developed a habit of going out at least once a day, always returning with a sweet or trinket for the young girl and a stiff, somewhat forced, smile for her father. Caelen, never one to miss emotions, understood why he needed to go out daily, as if he were reassuring himself he actually could. What she didn't understand was the distance between two people who, up till now, had been obviously close.

She'd written Harry about it earlier in the month expressing her discomfort and confusion with the whole situation. It was the reply to that letter that had her scurrying excitedly up to her room and launching herself onto her bed.

Hey Cae, I'm happy to hear you're doing well I feel truly horrible about what happened. About Sirius and your dad, I think Remus feels like Sirius should have kept a closer eye on you. Kept you from following me to Hogwarts. I wish he wouldn't blame Sirius, if anything it's my fault you were hurt. I plan to write to tell him so, I hope you both can forgive me, id never hurt you or put you in danger on purpose Cae. I miss all of you terribly, the Dursleys have been their usual pleasant selves. I've enclosed your birthday present I know it's a bit early but better that than late yeah? I hope you like it.

Caelen sighed as she folded the letter, placing it in the drawer of her night table and turning the small package thoughtfully in her hand. She hated knowing they were all blaming themselves. Caelen knew both Harry and her uncle Sirius wouldn't be persuaded of their innocence in the matter and, despite his apparent anger towards her godfather,  it was obvious her father blamed himself for not being with her.

A soft knock sounded on her, slightly opened, door breaking the girl from her thoughts, "hey pup, it's nearly sundown. Your dad seems to be getting anxious, I thought maybe you could come down?"

Caelen smiled slightly, placing the present on her bed and climbing down, to hurry over to her godfather.  "Why're you and daddy fighting?" She asked quietly when they reached the top of the stairs.

Sirius froze midstep, before beginning their descent, attempting to appear nonchalant. "What makes you think we're fighting?"

Caelen rolled her eyes, glancing up at Sirius sideways and lifting an eyebrow in amusement. "Yes because you're both so subtle." She responded, sarcasm dripping from every word. "I'm not stupid anyone can see you're avoiding each other, why?"

The girl paused then tugging him to a stop and glancing up nervously, "is it my fault?"

Sirius sighed kneeling before the little girl, who'd become as important to him as if she were his own child. He brushed a lock of baby-fine brown hair back from her face gently, stalling for a moment to think of words to reassure her. "No baby, it's not your fault at all, it's mine. I was meant to be watching out for you, I didn't pay enough attention and you got hurt."

"But that wasn't your fault!" Caelen argued immediately, "you wouldn't have let me go, I knew that. I hadn't intended to actually go in the first place I was trying to catch Harry."

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