St. Mungos

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Remus was gone by the next morning. Caelen was quieter than normal but otherwise kept her feelings on the matter to herself, becoming used to her father's frequent comings and goings. Mundungus popped in for a moment to speak with Sirius earning mistrustful looks from the young Lupin.

Sirius found himself pouting through much of the weekend, giving his goddaughter sidelong glances until the young girl had finally had enough. "Uncle Sirius rather than staring at me like that why not just admit I'm right and floo Harry!?" She finally sighed over her book in exasperation.

Sirius glared at the child for a moment before standing briskly and strutting towards his desk. "Fine I will, I'm a big boy I can admit when I've behaved childishly." The man muttered eliciting a giggle from behind the book, once more held in front of the girl's face.

Once sent the man had only to wait till that evening to ponder what he'd say to his godson.

It was late into the night when the black haired man popped his head into the fire to converse with Harry. He grinned at the sight of the boy. "Hi."

"Hi," chorused the trio, coming to kneel on the hearthrug.

From Caelen's end it was once more a dull conversation. Occasionally she'd catch a murmur of the conversation, "-secret defense against the dark arts groups-" had her sitting forward in her chair eager for more info. "-Dung's been dressing as a witch a lot lately-" sent her into a fit of giggles.

The girl nearly fell out of her seat when her godfather fell backwards suddenly scurrying away from the fire. A hand with short stubby fingers and ugly old-fashioned rings was grasping amongst the flames as though attempting to seize Sirius' mane of curly black hair.

"Uncle Sirius?" Caelen whispered nervously watching the disturbing sight.

"Come here puppy," Sirius called quietly pulling the girl close as he doused the flames and exited the room. "Nearly caught me that time, guess the old bag is watching the floo network."


After there second near discovery Sirius and Caelen grew more cautious. Neither was very thrilled about it but remained quietly in Grimauld place, no more outings, no more secret floo calls.

The weeks seemed to drag on Caelen would sit staring forlornly out the dirty old windows watching the occasional passerby hurry down the street, huddled against the cold. It reminded her painfully of her life before finding her father, when she would stare out the windows at Gina's longing for a bit of fresh air.

It was snowing now, Caelen had stumbled up to bed hours ago when Sirius had proclaimed bedtime but found herself staring wistfully at the falling ice crystals. As had become common in the past months she worried for her father wondering if he was safe, if he was warm.

Eventually she fell asleep her forehead resting against the cool, frosted window.

Caelen woke suddenly falling from her perch on the window seat, startled. Her eyes flashed from corner to corner seeking the source of the disturbance before realizing it came from below.

She crept quietly down the stairs stopping when she noticed Kreature huddled on the landing, eavesdropping no doubt. Caelen hesitated, she wanted to know what was happening, who was here? She didn't, however, want to tangle with the angry little elf, remembering all too well their last interaction. The thought that it might be her father, possibly wounded, bolstered her on. She brushed past Kreature ignoring his muttered insults and hateful look.

Caelen hesitated at the door peeking around to see Harry and the Weasley children sitting around the table. They looked sullen and worried making Caelen fearful. "W-what's happened?" She stammered out nervously.

Sirius opened his arms beckoning the girl over, "com'ere puppy," he directed in a gentle tone. He handed the child his own butterbear accioing another for himself. "Mr. Weasley's been hurt, the kids and Harry are here waiting for news."

The man smiled slightly as his goddaughter snuggled back against him, tucking her head against his shoulder. He brushed her hair back absentmindedly leaving a kiss against her temple. He wanted to reassure the others, tell them their father would pull through that everything would be fine but knew he couldn't. They weren't children, not young children anyway, and wouldn't appreciate empty promises.

The whole of the room jumped to attention, nearly in unison, at the flash of fire. They stared for a moment at the letter and single golden Phoenix feather left behind.

"Fawkes!" said Sirius at once, snatching up the parchment. "That's not Dumbledore's writing- it must be a message from your mother-here-"

He thrust the letter into George's hand, who ripped it open and read aloud, "Dad is still alive. I am setting out for St. Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will send news as soon as I can. Mum."

George looked around the tab.
"Still alive..." He said slowly. "But that makes it sound..."

No one needed him to finish the sentence, even Caelen thought it sounded as if poor Mr. Weasley were clinging to death. She smiled gently at Harry, noticing his obvious discomfort and trembling fingers, clinging to his butterbeer.

The night droned on for everyone, Sirius suggested that they all go up to bed once, eliciting disgusted looks from the assembled Weasley children. While the others sat in silence, occasionally sipping butterbeer and staring unseeingly, Caelen dozed against her godfather, unwilling to leave her friends, but unable to stay awake.

And then, at ten past five in the morning, the door swung open and Mrs. Weasley entered the kitchen. She wade trembly pale, but when they all turned to look at her, Fred, Ron, and Harry half-rising from their chairs, she gave a wan smile.

"He's going to be all right," she said, her voice weak with exhaustion. "He's sleeping. We can all go and see him later. Bill's sitting with him now, he's going to take the morning off work."

Fred fell back into his chair with his hands over his face. George and Ginny got up, walked swiftly over to their mother, and hugged her. Rob have a very shaky laugh and downed the rest of his butterbeer in one.

"Breakfast!" said Sirius loudly and joyfully, passing a startled Caelen to Fred as he jumped to his feet. "Where's that accursed house-elf? Kreacher! KREACHER!!

"Oh, forget it, then," muttered Sirius when the house elf didn't respond to the summons. "So it's breakfast for- let's see-seven...bacon and eggs, I think, and some tea, and toast-"

Caelen snuggled her head into Fred's shoulder tiredly, hardly noticing as her godfather and godbrother began shuffling around the stove making breakfast. 

After breakfast Sirius carried Caelen up to his room, where she'd been continually slipping in during the night since her dad's recent mission began. He fussed with the blankets tucking the exhausted child in gently. "There now puppy rest well hmm? I'm sure Mr. Weasley will be back with us in no time."

"Do you think so, really? You're not just trying to keep me from worrying?" She questioned suspiciously.

"I very much think so pup," he assured kissing her forehead, "I wouldn't lie to you, not ever."

"Good night uncle Sirius, I love you." Caelen mumbled as she curled against her pillow.

Sirius smiled softly brushing his hand through her long brown hair, so like her father's. "Good night little one, I love you too."


Hey guys it's a bit shorter than normal I think but I really wanted to get you a chapter we're selling our house and going to be moving (it's always something with me huh?!) so I've been crazy busy. A few things this chapter were straight outa the book. Anywho I hope you enjoyed this chapter all your comments and love make my day and are so encouraging thank you so so much! Alrighty I'm off laters ☺️☺️☺️☺️

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