He cheated

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Sami POV

He cheated on me. I can't believe did that to me, me, his fiance of all people! With a girl he's a movie with! Honestly, did he really think he wasn't going to get caught! There are cameras everywhere. I feel so bad for the she cheated on. He's got tatoo of her! I hope they feel like idiots!

Hi, My name is Sami. I was cheated on by my fiance, Max. The engagement was a secret but, who cares, I hate is guts til' the bitter end. He cheated on me with a girl named Perrie Edwards, yes, the girl who's dating Zayn Malik from One Direction. I know what your thinking, she would never do that to him! Well she did that. With my fiance! Of course, there love interests in a movie in Australia. I should have saw this one coming, but of course, I did not. Why? is the question. Well since you've heard about my love life, time to tell you some facts about me, I'm a famous DJ, like David Guetta. I am DJ Pangea. I love my job. So that's my life. Yea.

When did I find out about this, you may ask. This morning, lets have a flashback shall we?


As my morning coffee was brewing, I was sitting at the breakfast bar in the house Max and I share. I was eating an orange. I opened my laptop and logged into twitter. Once I had logged into my twitter I checked what was trending, in order it was

1. #Maxisacheater

2. #Perriewhy?









I wonder why all of this is trending,espescially yolo,seriously? Then I went through my feed, all I saw were pictures of Max and Perrie making out off set. Then I began to cry. Forgetting the orange and the coffee brewing. I got up, went to my couch, grabbed a pillow and buried my. Then I began to ball, It's like it was never ending, because my love life was crumbling to a pulp. I think I fell asleep during the crying, because when I woke up, my best guy friend Damien was there with Starbucks coffee.

"Black coffee for the newly single lady." Damien said.

"Thanks, how did you get into my house?" I ask.

"You told me where the spare was years ago! Plus, I could pick the lock too." Damien said.

"Whatever. " I said.

"So, how ya taking the whole cheating scandal thing?" Damien asked.

"How do you think? Can't you see the tear stains on the pillow?" I ask.

"So your taking this not well then. " He said then his phone rang. he talked into the phone for a while, then he hung up. "Well I must run, the band calls. Don't let this hurt ya too bad adn enjoy your coffee! by the way I took your stale coffee out of the brewer." He saod as he walked out.

"Thanks bye!" I said as he slammed the door. As soon as he left, I went to my computer and looked at all the news stories while drinking my coffee. I began to cry again, but instead I called my best friend, Maggie.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey," I choked out through tears.

"Whats wrong?" Maggie asked, which brought me to a heavy crying point. "SAMI CALM DOWN!!!"


"Tell me why I should come home."


"FINE, I will get on the next flight out there. Bye"

"Bye." I croaked as she hung up.


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