Let's go

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Zayn's POV

I kept crying the whole car ride, with Paul just sitting in silence as he drove me to Perrie and I's House. It was probably good that I got a ride since I was well upset. Soon we were at our house, Paul turned around and

"Zayn, I know I have no idea what you are going through, btu you will get through this, you'll find a new girl, I know you thought she was the one but this is telling you she just wasn't right for you. Have a good night Zayn." Paul said. That made me feel a whole lot better, he always was helpful.

"Thanks Paul, have a good night. Tell the wife I said hi." I said as I got out of the car.

"I will," Paul said as I shut the door. I walked up the drive and sidewalk and unlocked the door to our empty house. I locked and shut the door, I walked up to the room I shared with Perrie. I loked aorund and saw her picture on the wall, I ripped down, I took her picture off the nightstand. I walked out of the room and layed down on the couch, I grabbed my phone and texted the guys to come over ASAP. I burried my face into the pillow and started crying again. I heard the door open and all the guys pile into my living room. They shook me and rolled me over.

"Hey guys," I said a little sniffly, I looked around and saw everyone but Liam, then I remembered he lef with Maggie to drop her off at the airport, I decided to ask anyway." So where's Liam?"

"He was dropping Maggie off at he airport, she has to go handle her friend who was cheated on by her boyfriend who stole your girlfriend." Louis said all sassy like. I laughed and everyone smiled. "He should be here soon."

"So Perrie," Harry said. I lost it again, they can't say her name, it's my new triggger to cry word, you could say. I just balled my eyes out as everyone was comforting me and telling me it would be okay. I heard Liam walk in and sigh. I whimpered out a hey. he said hey and the crying was slowing down quickly.

"Sorry about everything." Liam said, he avoided her name, thank the lord. He knows how it feels to be broken hearted, when Danielle dumped him, his world just seemed to end. It looked really painful and now everyone has to watch it all over again. I feel bad, why did Perrie have to cheat, does this Max charecter have something that I can't offer to her.

"It's fffffffine," I said kinda sobbing like. I just couldn't stop, she just broke my heart into a million pieces and doesn't even care. The boy comforted me by; food, TV, and movies. It kinda helped but I kept crying, they understood luckily. All of them spent the night. I passed out on the couch with everyone else, I slept until about 10 am the next morning and Liam was awake when I got up. "Hey"

"Hey man, how are you feeling?" Liam asked.

"I'm feeling okay, but I could be better." I said.

"So what did managment tell you?"

"Stay out of the public eye till all of this dies down. So I guess I'll be getting my groceries and stuff delivered every week. This is gonna be fun." I said. I sighed.

"Well, I was thinking since were off for a while and you can't be spotted. Maggie and her friend who was cheated on are going back to there home town, we could tag along and not have to worry about people." Liam suggest. "So what do you think?"

"When do we leave?" I ask.

"In a couple of days, we'll fly out there home town and meet them and just dissapear for a few weeks." Liam says. I thought about it for a minute, It's the girls who's boyfriend cheated on me with Perrie, this could be very interesting.

"let's go," I said.

"Great, so I'll text Maggie and tell he your coming." Liam says as he whips out his phone to text her.

"Where is there home town?" I ask.

"Wisconsin" Liam says. Well I'm guessing I'm going to Wisconsin.



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