Maggie, ice cream, movies, and a proposition

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Hello again,

Iknow I havekept you patiently waiting for this so here you go!


Sami's POV

beep beep beep went my phone on the other side of the living room. I got up grogilly of the couch and ran over to it. It was a text from my publicist, Elaine. it read

Hey, coming over to talk to you, be there in 5! - Elaine. Ugh, what have done wrong with my publicity now! Then my doorbell rang, yay! i walked over and answered it.

"Hey," I said to her as she walked into my house like she owned the place, she dropped her bag and walked right to my kitchen table and took a seat. I followed her into the kitchen and sat across from her, then she began to speak.

"I'm sorry about Max and you. It shouldn't have ended this way. So since this has happened I cancelled the next few upcoming gigs for like the next month. I suggest that you dissappear from the media for a while till all of this dies down, you can still tweet from time to time but I don't want you to be spotted around for a while. Okay, I'm sorry again for your situation and call me as much as possible! Now I've got to run so bye!" and with that she got up grabbed her bag and strutted out of my house and she slammed the door behinde her without me getting a word in. This is why I hate her so much, she bosses me around like I'm 5 years old! I can't wait till I fire her!  My ringtone went off signaling I was getting a call, I checked to see who it was, luckily it was Maggie I picked it up.

"Hey girl," I said.

"Hey, I just got out of customs at LAX. I'm renting a car,I'll be over soon. SO how are you now?" Maggie said.

"I'm okay, I just need my best friend around to help me get through this!" I said.

"I totally get that, remember how much of a wreck I was with my last breakup!" Maggie said, I laughed and so did she, I smiled even though she couldnt see it. She always knew how to make me laugh.

"So how was your flight?" I ask.

"Long, boring and a guy kept on farting next to me while he was asleep." She says. I laughed at her, only that would ever happen to her. "So about how long till you get here?"

"About 10 minutes, I took backroads all the way here." she said

"Okay, so I will talk to you soon." I said.

"Okay, bye" Maggie said as she hung up. I put my phone down and began to throw away my tissues. I heard the garage door opening and closing then the door to the garage opened, to find Maggie with her suitcase, a bunch of movies and ice cream and chocolate. I love her! She came in and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged he back.

" I missed you so much!" I said as we pulled away.

"Me too Sam, me too. I'm so sorry about Max! Perrie is an a little evil.." Maggie said.

"Maggie calm down," I said.

"I told you Max would pull something like this!" Maggie said. She was right she warned me, actors will always pull something, there actors for a reason, they will lie and cheat on you and act like it's nothing. She knows, and I should have listened. She was right and I was wrong, I've pulled that one before.

"I know I should have listened to you, but now I've learned. So where did I summon you from?" I ask.

"London, England, now what do you want to watch and what pint of ice cream?" She asks as she lays them out on the table. The movies: Pitch perfect, Mulan, Little mermaid, Toy story, footloose, thor, Iron man 3, the avengers, and captian america. For Ice cream: its was alot of brownie and choclate from a ton of different brands.

"No One Direction movie?" I ask. she looked puzzled and looked at the movies again.

"Kathyrn must've stolen it from me for her flight to south america to help out those kids." Maggie said.

"Oh, yea that's Kathryn for ya." I said. "how about Pitch Perfect and I'll take one of those Ben and Jerry's brownie ones." She threw me a pint and a spoon while she put the movie in the DVD player.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna throw on some sweat and grab blankets." Maggie says as she takes her suitcase up to the spare bedroom. She cmae back in minutes threw me blankets and she grabbed her pint of ice cream and we watched the movie laughing, singing along and eating our ice cream. Once we had finished that movie Maggie said. "So are you suppose to stay out of the public eye?"

"Yep as Elaine who never let's me get a word in says," I said. "Why?"

"Well you know about Liam and I. Since you have to and Zayn does to, woukld you like to go back home with Liam, Zayn and I, it would be fun and nobody really cares back home." Maggie proposes. I ponder it for a minute and say.

"Why not? Of course! It sounds like fun and Zayn and I can share our hatred together. When would we leave?"

"Uhh Tomorrow." Maggie says. "I hope that's okay."

"Of course it is, so when are the boys coming, tomorrow." I say

"yes they are and Liam, you and Zayn have to have disguieses so we can get you out of this house!" Maggie says. "So what Movie do you want to watch next?"

"THOR!He's so hot!" I said all smashed together. Maggie laughed as she popped the next movie in. We spent all night watching movies and talking about all the stuff that we did when we were younger. We fell asleep on the couch during our fourth moive and I dreamt about how we would get back at Max.


kinda short but what do ya think?


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