SHE WHAT????!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Zayn's POV

I just finished eating and was talking with Niall when my phone rang. I picked it up to answer it and saw it was management, ugh, what do they want.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello Zayn, it's Stephen from management. We need you to get down here as soon as possible, only yourself. Please hurry." Stephen said, hmmm, he's new.

"Okay, I will be down there soon. goodbye." I said

"Goodbye," he said as he hung up. I wonder why they only need me. I then stood up and told everyone I needed to go see management, the looked at me weirdly. I paid Harry and left. I got a cab to there office, still pondering why they needed me. I looked at my phone screen, which showed me and my girlfriend Perrie backstage at one of our concerts. I miss her so much, she's out filming a movie in Australia. I'm going to propose to her when she gets back. When the cab driver pulled up to the building, I paid the man and got out of the cab. I walked up the stone steps and walked into the door. There was a receptionist to my left, and some very uncomfortable looking chairs to my right. I walked up to the receptionist and said

"Hi, I'm Zayn Malik from One Direction and I was called here for a meeting."

"Hi Zayn, they are ready for you now, so you can go right on down to your managers office." She said. She was very cheerful to me.

"Okay, thank you!" I said as I walked down the boring hallway to my managers office. He wasn't a very happy guy, or a very angry one, he just has no emotion whatsoever. As I opened the door to his office, I was getting more nervous, wondering what they wanted me to do or what I did wrong. When I walked he said

"Hello Zayn, sit down," He said as he pointed to one of the chairs infront of his desk. I sat dwon as directed.

"Hey Steve. I was won.." I was quickly cut off by steve saying.

"I know your wondering why I called you hear, well, I don't want you to be upset about this, but. This will explain it." Steve said as he pulled out alot of tabloids with Perrie and one of her costars making out offset. They were titled: Perrie cheats on Zayn with costar, DJ Pangea, cheated on by boyfriend of 3 years, Perrie and Max? DJ Pangea and Zayn? I couldn't stand to read anymore of them. "I'm really sorry Zayn, I would reccomend staying out of  the public eye for a while, ya know, just to let everything cool down. I have a car waiting out front for you, beacause I knew you would be very emotional and I don't want you driving! Can you also please tell the boys about this."

"Yes, thank you.." I say as I walk out the door. I walk down the hallway as all the good times with Perrie flash through my mind. everything she did in those flashbacks made me want to cry. I walked into the lobby, out the door, down the steps and into the car that was waiting for me. As I hopped in I saw our bodyguard, Paul was driving. I waved and he began to drive. As he did, I began to cry.


I leave you with that

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