Let's talk

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"You need a dress!" Vanessa shouted in Emily's ear over the phone. "The party's on Friday and you still haven't found a dress!" She continued.

Emily sighed, rolling over on bed. "Why the hell did you wake me up to tell me this?!" She complained.

"It's 8 am, lazy girl." Her friend shot back with a snort.

"It's Sunday! And it's still Summer!" Emily complained, now laying back on her bed.

"So what? I've been up since two hours already." The other replied. Emily sighed. She wasn't a morning person, not at all, but her best friend was, in fact Vanessa was sportive, she went jogging every morning, even on Sundays, actually, the girl was hyperactive, Emily always thought, never sitting and just relaxing.

She'd been like that too, till she played volleyball, she'd always be training, no matter what, surely not so early in the morning, but she'd always be throwing a ball to the other side of something. It was more than a passion, it was part of her. And it was gone.

Hence, she'd been giving up on sport as well, she'd quit training in any way, at first because she obviously couldn't, because of the injury, then because ... well, if she couldn't play volleyball for real, then why bother? From there, the extra pounds she'd gained and that made her feel so inadequate and so ... huge.

"Mom is taking me to the fair near town. We're picking you up by half past nine." Vanessa announced, to which Emily frowned. It was Sunday. There was no way in hell she'd get up that early on Sunday. She only did when her cousins were visiting, because they were really cute kids, but so noisy.

Other times would be when Jason would come barging into her room and nearly burning her irises by opening the curtains without warning, grumbling about her being a lazybones, but mostly, her mother let her sleep peacefully till she wanted at least on Sunday. When she had school, there was no complaining that worked, she was to be out of bed at exactly 6 am every morning, her school being half an hour away from home, her mother being categorical about her trying to skip breakfast.

"Not an option." Emily stated, covering her eyes with her free hand because of the bright light already seeping through her curtains.

"There will be Dean too ..." Vanessa tried to tempt her friend, who grunted.

"There can be Jesus in person, I'm not moving from this bed today." Emily stated. "Plus, what has the fair to do with my dress?"

Vanessa rolled her eyes as she twirled her hair while gazing into her wardrobe to decide what to wear. It was a sunny day and it was warmer than usual, so maybe ... a sundress? If she was lucky, Jason would be there to admire the result of her efforts when she picked up Emily.

As soon as she'd mentioned they'd pick up Emily, Dean had obviously wanted to tag along, claiming he was bored and didn't have anything to do, but Vanessa knew all too well that was just an excuse to see his crush. 

Ah, her twin brother was so smitten. He didn't tag along when she hung out with Emily only because he was too shy and had no idea how to relate with her, but he was crushed, completely, had been since she introduced them, and Vanessa had been trying to have them together since long, but there was to work on Emily's self esteem first of all, as Jason agreed.

"It's a mode fair, silly girl. We're going and you'll pick a dress." Vanessa stated categorically.

Emily sighed, bargaining: "I'll buy one on ... Monday."

Her friend rolled her eyes. "We've seen all the shops at the mall and found nothing."

"Then I'll wear jeans and a t-shirt."

Her Brother's Best Friend - Aching Hearts Series #2Where stories live. Discover now