Chapter 28 - Rage

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Vanessa remained there, mouth agape, wondering if he was serious or not. Maybe she was dreaming. She'd been loving Jason unrequitedly for so long that having him confess his feeling to her now sounded so impossible that the only chance was that she was dreaming.

Yet no, Jason, her Jay was indeed there, holding her close, a tender smile on his lips as he watched that didn't belong to his character, yet it seemed natural. His hands on her cheeks had her heartbeat increase pace evidently, but mostly it was his confession.

"You ... y-you're kidding." That was her first response.

Jason chuckled, pecking her lips. "No, baby, I'm damn serious." He gave her another, deeper, peck. "I fucking love you, Ness."

That was followed by a much deeper kiss that nearly took her breath away, and when he pulled back, her eyes were wide, as much as the grin on his face, which only confused her. Jason let his hand travel down to her hip, so that he could pull her against him more than she already was, and Vanessa let out a half moan when his lips started trailing kisses on her skin, from her lips to her cheek, to her neck – wait, her neck?

Swiftly, before he could uncover that part of her skin, Vanessa slipped away, leaving him confused. She moved her hair to the side, to cover that part of skin that the sweater didn't reach, and cleared her throat.

"We should ... go back downstairs. They must be looking for us –" She was cut off by his grabbing her hand and pulling her into him once more, having her tender body crash into his hard ones, his chocolate brown eyes reverberating with both desire and something she'd never thought she would actually get to see when he looked at her ... something like love. Pure love. Even his smirk seemed less devilish as he snaked his arms around her, hungrily and yet affectionately, pushing her against the wall once more, blocking her there.

"I just fucking told you that I love you, Ness." Jason murmured in her ear, his voice coated in that peculiar halo of lust and irresistible desire that she knew all too well, for how many times she'd heard it. He slipped his hands behind her, nuzzling the back of her neck, next to her earlobe, making her squeal as he squeezed one of her ass cheek while pressing her against him, feeling the overwhelming need to confirm his confessions with actions right now.

Last time he'd been intent on making love to her, they'd been interrupted, it was only fair they had a remake. In the back of his mind he knew it was idiotic, Gwen and the others were downstairs, they could bust them any minute, and he knew it was fairer to talk first, then act upon his feelings, but ... well, he'd never been really great at holding back now, had he?

Vanessa cried out his name when he bit down on her earlobe, his hands skillfully moving to slip underneath her pullover, and she nearly screeched when she felt the warmth of those directly on her skin. He nibbled on that sensitive spot of hers, the one that junction between her neck and ear that always had her on her knees when touched in the right way, and Jason knew all too well how to do that.

"I fucking love you, Ness." Jason spoke against her skin, his breath warm against it, while his hands made their way up along her stomach, searching for something specific. "You, my little vixen, you've put a spell on me, and I was going batshit crazy without you."

Her heart melted, her insides churned, her breaths itched, both at his words, and at his movements, and she unconsciously snaked her arms around his torso, grabbing handfuls of the back of his shirt, moaning his name while he drove her insane with that skillful mouth of his. Downwards, the mouth did miracles, but she could do with this too for the moment.

That was until she forgot about her wrist and involuntarily twisted it while trying to touch as much of him as she cold. Inevitably, she let out a pained cry. She hoped he would ignore it, after all, it wasn't the first time that happened, when he gave her those hickeys, he always put in a good those of pleasurable pain, not to mention when he was rough, but she didn't realize that he was too attentive not to spot the difference between, pleasurable pain indeed, and a downright pained cry.

Her Brother's Best Friend - Aching Hearts Series #2Where stories live. Discover now