Chapter 15 - The odds aren't favorable

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It was Vanessa first to break the kiss, even without pulling him away, and Jason was confused for a moment, not having heard anything, he just followed the girl's panicked look towards the stairs, only to curse – but not move back, when he spotted his sister standing there, arms crossed, glaring at both.

"Uh ... Emily, um ..."

"Save it, Jason." She spat, then turned to her best friend. "I don't even wanna talk about it. Let's just go." Emily didn't feel betrayed, she wouldn't have had anything against it, hadn't it been for the odds. Jason being engaged, that is. She walked past both, arms still crossed, glaring, disappointed. She knew Gwen for being such a nice girl, and she loved her brother deeply, how could Jason do something so horrible to her? Ugh, of course, her brother never thought things through. Such a selfish brat he was, sometimes.

Emily didn't even give time to the other two to exit, she slammed the door behind them, not really wanting to see any of them. It was still daylight, maybe she could walk to the beach ... if she really ought to go, that is. Maybe she could walk to the mall ... no, it was certainly closed earlier today, because of the bonfire. It was a huge feast in town, after all.

Sighing, she walked to the garage, but didn't have to open it, her mountain bike was just outside it, so she grabbed it and hopped on. It had been a while, but one never forgets, right? She did have her car license, but her parents would buy her, her own car only for her 18th birthday or graduation, so, because there was only Jason's Prius left there, she was bound to take the bike.

The way Vanessa had dolled her up luckily sort of suited the vehicle anyway. The denim shorts left her legs too naked, even while barely reaching her mid-thighs, the off-shoulder black t-shirt was large enough to drop at the unexpected, which was the impression it ought to give, or the one she had anyway, then the white sandals weren't at all made for riding a bike, and the bangles at her wrist? Ugh, so noisy.

Either way, it was a miracle everything had fitted her without problems and ... she didn't really feel that horrible. Sure, she had too much skin exposed, her legs were crooked, and that was one reason enough not to show them, her feet were flat, there was no gap between her thighs, and her love handles? Ugh, those. Those would never leave her, no matter how hard she tried. Her arms were flaccid, her shoulders too broad for a girl, her ears practically sticking out, her nose was too little, and her eyes? Such a dull brown. Compared to Vanessa's grey, her eyes got even duller.

There was virtually nothing that was right about her body, Emma, was convinced of that. Yet ... right now she didn't really give much thought to it. Maybe because the main issue now was escaping to the cheaters, or maybe because, for maybe the second time every – the first one being the party for her mom's promotion, she'd looked at herself into the mirror and ... she hadn't truly cringed. Well, she had, just not as much as she normally would.

She heard Vanessa calling for her, but she pretended not to. It wasn't a betrayal in her regards, but really, she felt disappointed in both. A bit of silence treatment should do.


Riley stood, watching people around dance or chat or drink – and the bonfire party had barely started. Years ago, he would have been one of them, now ... even if it was the first time he participated again after five long years, he didn't really feel like joining his friends. There was such a heavy load on his heart, every thought about having fun didn't even make it up to the surface.

He did have a beer in hand, though, and he sipped it bitterly as he sighed. The lovesick side of him already tormented him, reminding him of how much he missed Emily already and how things would be worse because he'd be leaving in two days. Even if he wanted to try and talk to her tonight, it'd be useless.

Her Brother's Best Friend - Aching Hearts Series #2Where stories live. Discover now