A brave choice

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Seems like I'm not really able to keep the schedule I'd made...sorry,I'm trying to do my best,will fix the schedule :)


"I know you." She murmured, staring into those big grey eyes that seemed to be staring back at her. "I know who you are, I'm sure I do." Jane sighed, exasperated. "Maybe you're my sister. You surely feel like one. But why can't I give you a name?"

Those big grey eyes seemed almost alive, every morning they stared back into her browns, as if pushing her, nudging her into recalling, they seemed to speak to her, those thin lips seemed to move every day, greeting her, yet taunting her, begging her to remember. She sometimes thought she could hear a silvery voice calling for her. It was like that that she'd retrieved fragments of her name.

Em. That silvery voice called in her dreams. Em. Nothing else, just ... Em. She'd tried coming up with possible endings, but the names that started with Em were too numerous to choose one she'd be certain of. In the end, she'd gotten used to being Jane Solano, the cousin of Rafael Solano, owner of a chain of hotels scattered around the country. 

Had she been just a little less stubborn, had those dreams been just a little less persistent, maybe, she would have simply settled for being just that. After all, for how complicated and filled with this amnesia drama, her life as a Solano was pretty good. 

She worked daily at Rafael's hotel, then in the evening she attended courses, a basic requirement to enter college, considering she didn't even know if she'd graduated high school or not. She was 21 now, at least she knew that, blood tests told her that much, even though she had no idea when was her birthday.

However, she couldn't just give up and move on, she needed to find out about her past, she needed a real name, a real background. Even though the more time flew by, the lesser the chances of getting back to whatever her life was before got, she didn't want to give up. 

Being Jane Solano was awesome, but ... it wasn't reality. It was like knowing she was adopted and needing to find out about her biological parents. It wasn't even about her, it was mostly about- "Mommy!" Case in point.

She smiled, turning to the little hurricane that came running into her room. For being barely two, sure he was a fast runner. "What is it, Speedy?" She asked, seizing him in her arms.

"Maddie take Bob!" He complained exasperated, as if those three words would be enough to express the intense drama he was living.

Jane smiled, kissing his temple. His golden locks along with his forest green eyes and his puffy cheeks made of him the cutest boy ever seen, his mother would say, even while knowing she was biased. She was proud of her baby boy, he kept on learning new words every day, and even though he couldn't exactly put them together in a full, meaningful phrase yet, he knew how to be understood.

"Maddie just wants to play with Bob, sweetie, can't she?" Jane wondered, referring to his plush Minion, his favorite toy, she knew he was attached to it, he even slept with it, but she was trying to teach him the value of sharing.

"But Bob not want!" He protested.

"I'm sure he does, sweetie. He is a very kind and gentle boy, and he likes playing with both you and Maddie. So why don't you go there, and you two play together? Does that sound right?"

"But Maddie girl!"

Jane gave him a half reprimanding look, however biting back a smile. "So? She is your friend, and she likes playing with you, Riley."

He pouted a little, but in the end nodded, and wiggled out of his mom's embrace, only to then scuttle out at the speed of light, calling out for Maddie, Rafael and Catalina's daughter, with whom Riley was always in a constant love/hate relationship, and Jane had no doubt they'd grow old that way.

Her Brother's Best Friend - Aching Hearts Series #2Where stories live. Discover now