Danny's Boys.

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Did Jace, Cole and I get high at Deepika's impromptu wedding? 100 fucking percent we did.

We met the Fontaine boys out the front of Jace's place and bought a stick. We got it for free cause Cole leaned through the window of their Aston Martin, with a scowl on his face. I think the expression on his face reminded the brothers that there was a time last year where people crossed the street to avoid him — I know it sure as hell reminded me of that.

Sean was quiet the entire exchange, watching his brother hand over drugs to Cole. Sean took a deep breath and turned his face away. I caught his eyes and mouthed, I'll keep him safe.

He gave a melancholy smile.

While the reception was raging in the backyard, we found our way to the Drake's gazebo, hidden out in the dense bush. We laid down on the nicked floorboards and got high. I closed my eyes and breathed in the sweet smell of rain and listened to the boys breathing beside me, the wind rushing around our heads.

It woulda been perfect — if I had've had Sammy there next to me. I sat up abruptly and grinned at the boys. From behind a haze of smoke they looked back at me. I jumped the railing of the gazebo and tripped into dirt.

I had every intention of sneaking over there by myself, but the boys wouldn't let me. I hoped it would just be her, and that the boys wouldn't actually follow me like they threatened. But when I burst through Sammy's lounge room door, the boys hot on my heels, I found two sets of starry eyes staring up at me.

"Hey Alex," Corey said, brow furrowed.

"You boys gotta be quiet, my grandparents are in the next room, asleep." Sam put down the book she was reading, Crazy Rich Asians, and stood up to pull me into a hug.

I kissed her everywhere, my numb lips feeling again as the grazed against the skin of lips, her neck, her cheeks. I opened my eyes a fraction, seeing Cole sniggering at Jace and Corey as he tentatively hugged Corey. 

"My Mum just got married." Cole announced to the room, his hands on his hips.

"Like —?" Corey began to ask, her voice softly fading out.

"Like an hour ago in Jace's conservatory." Cole nodded and paced around the lounge room. Sam grabbed his arm and pointed to the door we had just burst through.

"Be quiet."

"I love that Jace has a conservatory." Corey smiled, running her hands through her hair.

"Jace has a private jet." I informed Corey, who rose her eyebrows.

"Danny has a private jet, I don't have shit." Jace amended hastily.  


Cole swiveled and found Izzy, curled up, asleep on the couch. We were all witness to how he knelt quietly beside her, and carefully played with her curls.

"You awake sweetheart?" He whispered to her.

"Ssshhhh," Izzy hissed, her eyes still closed. She found Cole's hand. "I'm watching Casablanca, East of Eden is about to be on."

I looked at the TV, now I wasn't too sure what those movies were, but I was pretty sure they weren't from this century. "Well Dr Phil is playing, so something's gone wrong." Izzy opened her bleary eyes to stare at the screen. She frowned, before she blinked and saw us.

"Hey, it's the Neverland boys." Izzy sat up and rubbed her eyes, her red hair tumbling down to her waist.

"I'm groaning but I really like you have a nickname for us." I whispered to her, my hands around Sammy's waist.

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