Whats gone is gone.

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For Taylor, Daniel, Katelyn, Callum and Kayla. Comment? Vote? Fav? Please, please, please? Hug and kisses- Boloves.




For the next few days, I ignored texts from Alex, Cole and Jace in an effort to salvage whatever what was between Isaac and I. When the texts from the boys became more frequent and warm then those from Isaac - who gave one worded replies to my paragraphs - I drowned myself in face masks and skin care. Self care wasn't shit though, when everything was going wrong.

My phone was vibrating, tucked up in the blanket next to me. I didn't bother to check it, and I curled myself up into a  tight ball on my bed.

I heard Mum clear her throat. "Your father called me."

"Oh joy."

"Apparently you drunkingly hounded him in McDonalds?"

"Well, kinda, yeah."

"Corey," Mum sighed. "He's your father."

A tightness in my chest forced me to sit up. Mum had her hands on her hips. "You are not sticking up for him," I said fiercely. 

Mum's eyes glinted in the afternoon light. "No, I'm not. I'm just stating that he's your father and it might help you to talk to him."

I swallowed back the insults that burned in my mouth. I settled for a short and bitter, "alrighty then."

Mum hovered in the doorway, but I stared furiously at my homework that lay untouched on my bed. When she didn't leave, I scoped up my phone and flicked through Snapchat. I had heaps from the boys, with their shirts untucked and their shoe laces undone, smokes tucked behind their ears as they threatened to appear on my doorstep. 

Mum groaned and tapped her hands against my door. "He's worried about you," she said gently, shutting the door behind her as she left.

I threw my alarm clock against the door as a slid shut behind her, my hands in my hair as I screamed in frustration.


Izbiz to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 7:45pm; get ready Coco. We're breaking you out

I glanced at my Design homework and rose my eyebrows.

You to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 7:47pm; can't, I've got heaps of Sewing homework

Izbiz to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 7:47pm; Come on Coco! Mocks are soon, and Sam's gonna go on Outdoor Ed camp. Come onnnnnnnn

You to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 7:47PM; Ms Baxter already says we're the worst year to take Design, I've got to do it

Izbiz to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 7:47PM; Dude, they've been saying we're the worst year to go through Yorkie since Kindy. Come out

Sloane had fallen asleep in history - like always - and was messaging me for the answers. Down stairs, I could hear Kev's loud voice. Fuck this, I thought. So I dove into the WA ATAR Facebook page, found the answers to my Sewing homework and threw it on top of my school bag. I still had time to change.

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