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TW-- suicide references
Suicide is never the answer. You are loved. Take care of yourself.




I was in woodwork on Thursday morning, forging my mum's signature on a blue note I had gotten for being late to class.

Jace was next to me on the workbench, scribbling on a piece of spare wood. He was trying to teach Matty the factors that affected the equilibrium in a reversible reaction. Before he could get too frustrated with Matty, and throw the piece of wood at him, Tex took over.

"If you get this Matty, I'll buy you Reddies." I said, sitting on the work bench, Mrs Douglas too busy talking to Keira and the girls about the weekend, to care what I was doing.

"Reddies?" Jace frowned, glancing up from the

"Red Rooster." I answered automatically, hands skimming over the place where Mr Craig had almost written for pissing me off in response to, why was this blue note given?

Jace repeated the name of the fast food chain to himself. Matty scratched his head, and shared a bewildered look with Jace. I caught Tex and Alex's eyes and Tex winked at me, saying nonchalantly, "This arvo, or maybe at smoko, after Reddies, we might go down to the servo in our jumpers and grab a chicko roll and some durries, then go across to the bottle-o."

I threw my chin to the roof and laughed, while Jace said perplexed, "Um. What?"

"Like full on, I reckon we go have a captain cook over there."

"Put a sock in it, you yobbo." Alex slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Don't be trying to pull the wool over my eyes."

"That just looks like a dogs breakfast."

"Tell him, he's dreaming!" Amory laughed.

"Fair go mate, fair go." Finch braced his hands on Jace's shoulders and told him resolutely.


"Look at those shelias." Nate breathed in awe over Keira and the few other girls in class.

"You beaut."

I pointed to Landon across the room, who was standing around with his protégées, "I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire."

"Nah mate, she'll be right."

"What the fuck are you guys s-saying?" Jace threw his arms up, incensed.

"Open a dictionary." Tex slapped Jace on the back and smirked.

"I'm pretty sure that's not in any dictionary I've ever seen." Matty shook his head, squinting his eyes at the mendacity. 

I licked my lips and threw my arm around Matty. From across the room, I noticed Wes glare at us. They probably did deserve it. Finchy, Tex and Matty I mean. They shoved packets of condoms in Wes' locker with the note, stay safe boo.

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