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I heaved a huge sigh of relief when Friday was finally over and I was buzzing with excitement for what was coming next. I had not seen Vic at school today and it was mainly because I was avoiding him; it would be extremely awkward to see him! Vic and I had properly exchanged phone numbers so that we would not have to use the glitchy app anymore, and he had sent me his address. Currently, I was on my way straight to his house from school. However, when I reached it, I realised that it was more of a mansion.

The outside of the large, pale building was decorated with bushes, finely chopped into numerous shapes and sizes. The tall black gate, which isolated the place from the rest of the world, was polished to perfection. I long garage was connected to the side of the mansion and I could only imagine the magnificent vehicles that were homed there. Heck, even the grass was cut to perfection! Everything about this location as so immaculate I almost did not want to believe that Vic lived here but, upon rechecking the address he sent me, I knew I found the right place.

Cautiously, I pushed open the front gate and entered, being led by a brick path to the grand front door. My hands trembled as I placed my finger on the doorbell and heard the expected 'ding dong' from the other side. My palms were sweating in anticipation and I clutched my bag tighter, after checking my hair and the position of my bunny ears one too many times.

From what Vic explained, today I would be meeting the other pets and getting to know the house before the more exciting stuff came. I could not wait.

After what felt like forever, but was just a few seconds, my ears perked up at the sound of footsteps, before the door opened up to reveal the familiar face of Vic. I smiled warmly at him, taking in the man's appearance. It seemed as if he was in the process of drying his hair because one half was normal while the other was still dripping wet. Honestly, it looked adorable. He wore a basic V-neck and a pair of jeans.

"Oh, hi, Kellin." Vic gave me a half-smile. "Come in. I'm just getting ready to head out for work, but the pets will show you around."

He had a job? With a house so large, I assumed that his parents paid for it. Maybe they did and he just wanted some spare money of his own. I wanted to know what he worked as, but that was none of my business and I would ask him another time when he's not in such a rush.

Also it would be quite weird to be in his house with some strangers who he had sex with on a regular basis, but I was in no position to complain. I did sign the deal after all.

Vic placed his hand on my lower back (which made the air get caught in my throat), and he lead me through the prestigious hallways and up a stunning, rounded staircase. We reached the top floor of the mansion and promenaded through a few more corridors before we reached a door which noise coming from the inside.

Vic stepped forward and confidently knocked on the door three times. Right away, all sounds stopped and we were engulfed in silence. I could see a satisfies smirk sew itself into Vic's features.

He pushed the door open and manouvered inside, dragging me behind him by my wrist. As soon as I stepped through, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I was in a room full of...girls. Ew.

There were six of them and all looked very different.

One had red hair and a constellation of freckles on her rosy cheeks. Her head was delicately decorated by a pair of white bunny ears, much like mine but clearly better quality and more expensive.

Another had a very small frame and strange hair, with one half black and the other pink. She wore a pink bow which was tucked into her messy bun, and was clutching a teddy bear.

Two of the females were blonde and one was unmistakably older than the other. She seemed to be in her early 40s or late 30s, but I would not judge Vic for what or who he was into. The other light-haired girl was skinny and tall. The first one wore a pair of black bunny ears, while the other had cat ears of the same colour. She was also the only one with a matching tail.

The last two girls both had dark hair. One was blessed with bewitching, diamond eyes which you could almost drown in, and soft features. She wore cat ears. The second girl had the sides of her head shaved, leaving just the middle to sway from side to side. Unlike the others, she did not have any head accessories, however she wore uncomfortable-seeming shoes which resembled the hoofs of a horse.

This was literally a zoo.

But all girls had one thing in common: they were gorgeous. Vic did not really have a type though, from what I could see. Well, except the fact that he likes females a lot. But if I was straight or bisexual I would totally tap that too.

"Melanie," Vic called out in a bored tone, which did not fail to sound demanding at the same time. He sure acted mature and responsible for his age. Did they even know how young he was? The petite female with the black and pink hair snapped her head up to gaze at us, her eyes: large.

"Yes, Daddy?" She questioned quietly.

"I have to head off to work in a few minutes. While I'm gone, please introduce Kellin to everyone and show him around, and explain all of the vital house rules to him. See you later!"

I could see the astonished and quizzical look on the girl's face but, before she could say anything else, Vic was off, awkwardly leaving me in a room with six women who had nothing better to do than stare. I was starting to get extremely uncomfortable under their judgemental eyes.

"Ladies, let's stop staring. We're scaring the boy," the oldest of them all spoke up, acting like a mother to the group. And I admired that.

My gaze dropped down to my shoes, my shy side suddenly becoming very prominent. I could feel the closeness of a person, as I was being approached.

"Hello, I'm Melanie!" Squealed an excited voice,  that nearly made me jump. I looked up to see the short girl with sparkling eyes.

"H-hi." I cursed myself for stuttering like an idiot.

"Are you Vic's new pet?" She asked, while the other girls were obviously not interested enough so they returned to what they were doing previously (which was just chatting).

"Yes, I am," I confirmed quietly. Why did I have to be so timid?

"Huh," Melanie huffed. "That's strange... I never knew he liked boys."

"Uh, what?"

"He never had any male pets, so we all thought he was straight."

What if he was actually heterosexual though? When I chatted with him the other day, I caught him muttering something about that, but I assumed that I simply misheard. After all, why would he want me as a pet if he was not into boy? I would have obviously been upset, but sexuality is something that could not be changed under any circumstances.

"How about I introduce you to everyone?" The girl offered and I agreed. And so we travelled around the room, conversing with the females.

I found out that the red head was called Danielle, the two blondes were Maria and Taylor, and the last ones with darker hair were Amy and Lynn. Of course, there was Melanie too. They all seemed very sweet.

I was shown around the huge house, which nearly took an hour because of its size, and Vic still wasn't home. One of the girls called him up but, when he answered, he informed us of the fact that he would be back at a very late time.

And so, I decided to head home. Mainly because I could not stay overnight as I did not have the chance to bring clothes, but also because I did not know what to do with myself without Vic there.

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