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"Do I know you?" Kevin asked, faking confusion and giving me a strange look.

"Yes," I hissed, using all of my self-control not to punch him, "we dated a while back."

"Oh, yeah!" He exclaimed as if in realisation. "You're the one who farted while I was eating your ass. Kyle, right?"

My face turned the brightest shade of red, from embarrassment and fury, and I clenched my fists. Vic's obvious attempts at holding in his laughter, next to me, did not help at all. I almost yelled, "That did not happen, you ugly fucktard! Wʰʸ ᵗʰᵉ fᵘͨᵏ ᵘ ˡʸʸʸ'ⁿ,ʷʰʸ ᵘ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ˡʸʸʸ'ⁿ,ᵐᵐᵐᵐᵐᵐ ºʰᵐʸᵍºᵈ ˢᵗºp fᵘͨᵏ'ⁿ ˡʸʸʸ'ⁿ. And don't act like you have no idea who I am; you know my name, it's Kellin. K-E-L-L-I-N."

"Whatever you say, Kenny," Kevin mused with a wink, which made me want to smack him across the face, but I resorted to groaning in annoyance. "Anyway, Vic," he turned to my daddy, "how have you been? What's up with the girls? And, most importantly, why is a pile of flat-assed trash in your house?"

"Victor," I twisted around to face the same man, with a sickly sweet smile plastered on my blazing face, and forced out through gritted teeth, "please hold me back before I choke the shit out of this walking cyst."

He did just that, by grabbing my wrists and pinning them to my lower back so that I was unable to move from my place, all the while leaning against me. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and the faint murmur of the words 'I don't know what he's on about, you have the best ass I've ever seen', which made me calm down drastically and feel all warm on the inside. I no longer had the urge to stab someone.

"It's so great to see you Kev!" Vic smiled warmly at him, to which I rolled my eyes. Could he not see, past the appealing exterior, that Kevin was a demon sent directly from Hell to make my life miserable? I had no idea how those two got along. Vic could be a bit rude but was mostly a lovely flower, whereas Kevin was a sarcastic asshole (then again, so was I, but that did not matter). "I'm fantastic - thanks for asking. The girls? They're out shopping, but should be back soon. And Kellin? Well, he's my new pet." I felt a little pat on my head, which made my insides melt.

"I thought you were straight," Kevin pointed out, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. He removed his jacket and simply dropped it to the floor, for someone else to pick up, as if he was fucking royalty. This man annoyed me so much!

"So did I," Vic replied and loosened his grip on my wrists, before poking his head over my shoulder to softly hum the words, "You are the only exception," to a familiar tune, for only me to hear. Meanwhile, he was gazing me in the eyes with a look that I had never seen before; it seemed almost...protective? Caring? Loving?

"I'm surprised that a cum-dumpster like Keith made you like guys - you could do so much better."

"I swear to god, I will chop off your di-!"

"Kellin," Vic warned sternly, although I knew it was only half-hearted. He probably just wanted to look good in front of Kevin, who already thought less of him simply for having relations with me. Heck! - with how selfish Kevin was, he would probably look down upon Vic if he as much as mentioned the name 'Kellin' in his presence.

My arms were cautiously released and Vic lead the way into the pets' room (not the bedroom, but the one used for entertainment, as the girls would return soon and want to chat with Kevin and Vic, but my master's room was too small to fit all of us). Vic sat on one couch, Kevin on the one opposite so that they could face each other, and I took a seat next to my daddy. I had no interest in contributing to their conversation, so I simply leaned back against the armrest and slung my legs over Vic's lap. He did not seem to mind, so I kept them there and got comfortable.

I did not particularly care about what they were saying, but I had nothing better to do than listen, so I pretended to not pay attention and doze off. They were saying many things which I did not understand and naming people who I did not know, but the only thing I caught on to was the fact that there would be some sort of crucial S&M party in the Playboy Mansion, in Los Angeles. Apparently these kinds of gatherings did not happen often at all and the next one would be in two months. My vague understanding told me that it was mainly to discuss important matters and show off the owners' best slaves. I wondered if Vic would be going and whether he would take me or someone else, as his 'best slave'. It would be an honour if it was me though.

After a short while Vic asked Kevin if he was hungry or wanted a drink, to which Kevin pleaded for a glass of water, leaving Vic to exit the room in order to get some. This left me alone with my ex and I knew it would not be good. An extremely dragged out silence lingered in the air, before it was split.

"So, how long have you been Vic's slave for?" The brown haired man asked nonchalantly. I lifted my head to examine him, just to see him casually getting very interested by his fingernails. For a second I wondered what the huge mood change was about before I realised that, now that Vic was nowhere in our vicinity, Kevin did not have to play it up to seem 'cooler' or anything, even though it did not make him look cool in any way.

"About two months," I replied with the same lack of interest and enthusiasm as him. I was not very keen on talking to Kevin anyway because I knew that, as soon as Vic would step through the door, he would be back to acting like someone he was not. It bothered me quite a lot too.

"Why are you even with him?" He carried on interrogating, but I sensed something in his voice which made me grin.

"What - are you jealous?" I teased with a childish giggle. It was so obvious that Kevin envied Vic and I's relationship.

"N-no,of...um, of course not!" He stumbled over his words and I was sure that his face had heated up but I did not bother to look up. "It's just that...er..." It was so easy to figure out that he was struggling for something to say, "Isn't he a bit too old for you?"

"Huh? He's only a couple of months-" I stopped myself when Vic re-entered with that promised glass of water, as well as a bottle of wine. Was he not too young to drink? Then again, he was too young to do most things he did. However he was not alone, as an entire hoard of females stumbled in after him, carrying tonnes of shopping bags. I prayed to my lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, that he would put me to sleep early today so that I would not have to live through hours of them trying on all of the clothes.

I noticed something strange occurring though. As soon as Danielle stepped in, she and Kevin linked eyes. Their lazer-like gazes fell on each other and they both seemed surprised and flustered at the sight. Danielle's cheeks even flamed slightly, before she broke the connection and returned to her resting bitch face and she shot me a common glare. Well, that was weird.

I did not have much time to think about it though, as Melanie was quick to bounce on top of me and knock me onto the floor along with her. We laughed. She was only like this, playful, when she was extremely excited about something, so I patiently waited for her to tell me what had made her so elated.

Vic and Kevin went back to chatting, with Danielle, Maria and Amy sometimes chiming in too. The rest of us just messed around until it was time to go to bed.

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